Revista Moda

Create-Fashion 2011: 'Futuritas', 'In/organica', 'Into the Wild' & 'Longleat House'

Publicado el 17 mayo 2011 por Miris_conbolsas

Volvemos a hablar de los participantes a la final de Crea-Moda 2011, hasta este Viernes que es cuando terminaremos con este tema y os contare varias curiosidades que aprendi y averigue estos dias…

We return to the participants at the final of Crea-Moda 2011, until this Friday which is when we will finish with this and I will tell you several curiosities and things I have found out these days …

Pero hasta entonces… Empezamos con 4 de las colecciones:

But until then … We started with 4 collections:

5º Futuritas de Clara Martín Vicente

5º Futuritas by Clara Martín Vicente

Clara Martín presento una coleccion infantil basada en dos colores: Naranja y Marron.

Clara Martín presented an infant collection based on two colors: orange and brown. 

El naranja fue una acertada eleccion de esta coleccion al ser el color de este verano.

The orange was a good choice for this collection to be the color of this summer.

Pudimos ver vestidos y pantalones.

We were able to see dresses and pants.

Crea-Moda /Create-Fashion 2011: “Futuritas”, “In/organica”, “Into the Wild” & “Longleat House”

©Iban Montero

Crea-Moda /Create-Fashion 2011: “Futuritas”, “In/organica”, “Into the Wild” & “Longleat House”

©Iban Montero

Crea-Moda /Create-Fashion 2011: “Futuritas”, “In/organica”, “Into the Wild” & “Longleat House”
©Iban Montero

Crea-Moda /Create-Fashion 2011: “Futuritas”, “In/organica”, “Into the Wild” & “Longleat House”
©Iban Montero

Crea-Moda /Create-Fashion 2011: “Futuritas”, “In/organica”, “Into the Wild” & “Longleat House”
©Asier Camacho

Una coleccion alegre y juvenil, basada en el contraste entre la alegria y vivacidad del naranja con la seriedad del marron. Con un estilo fuera de lo clasico.

A collection young and joyfull, based on the contrast between the joy and liveliness of the orange and the  seriousness of the brown. With a style out of the classic range.

6º In/organica de Aitziber Iragui Moreno

6º In/oeganica by Aitziber Iragui Moreno

Aitziber Iragui nos mostro una coleccion novedosa, rompiendo con lo visto hasta el momento.

Iragui Aitziber showed us a new collection, breaking with that seen so far.

Combinando el cuero en los pantalones con blusones anchos de colores vibrantes, o medias bi color con faldas de cuero o bi colores y transparencias. Como complemento bolsos grandes y largos de tela siguiendo con el patron del colorido.

Combining leather pants with wide blouses of vibrant colors, and bi color stockings with leather or bi colors skirts and transparencies. Complementing large handbags with long fabric following the according pattern of bright colors.

Crea-Moda /Create-Fashion 2011: “Futuritas”, “In/organica”, “Into the Wild” & “Longleat House”
©Iban Montero

Crea-Moda /Create-Fashion 2011: “Futuritas”, “In/organica”, “Into the Wild” & “Longleat House”
©Iban Montero

Crea-Moda /Create-Fashion 2011: “Futuritas”, “In/organica”, “Into the Wild” & “Longleat House”
©Iban Montero

Crea-Moda /Create-Fashion 2011: “Futuritas”, “In/organica”, “Into the Wild” & “Longleat House”
©Iban Montero

Una coleccion vibrante y colorida, rompiendo con todo lo comun.

A colorful and vibrant collection, breaking with all the comon.


7º Into the Wild de Elena Gallego Blanco

7º Into the Wild de Elena Gallego Blanco

Elena Gallego presento una coleccion masculina con colores azul turquesa, cremas y negros. Donde vimos mayas o pantalones acompañados de blusones largos o chaquetas en forma de jersey o capa transparente.

Elena Gallego presented a menswear collection with turquoise blue, cream and black. Where we saw leggings blouses or pants accompanied by jackets as jersey or long clearcoat.

Crea-Moda /Create-Fashion 2011: “Futuritas”, “In/organica”, “Into the Wild” & “Longleat House”
©Iban Montero

Crea-Moda /Create-Fashion 2011: “Futuritas”, “In/organica”, “Into the Wild” & “Longleat House”
©Iban Montero

Crea-Moda /Create-Fashion 2011: “Futuritas”, “In/organica”, “Into the Wild” & “Longleat House”
©Iban Montero

Crea-Moda /Create-Fashion 2011: “Futuritas”, “In/organica”, “Into the Wild” & “Longleat House”
©Iban Montero

Con una clara inspiracion en el hombre de oriente, esta coleccion se llevo el 2º premio Otorgado por la Diputacion Foral de Bizkaia, de un total de 2.800€.

With a clear inspiration from the man from the east, this collection took the 2 nd prize awarded by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, a total of 2,800 €.

Crea-Moda /Create-Fashion 2011: “Futuritas”, “In/organica”, “Into the Wild” & “Longleat House”
©Iban Montero

Crea-Moda /Create-Fashion 2011: “Futuritas”, “In/organica”, “Into the Wild” & “Longleat House”
©Iban Montero

Y la ultima coleccion de hoy es:

And todays last collection is:

8º Longleat House de Ruth Martín Pérez

8º Longleat House by Ruth Martín Pérez

Vimos una coleccion femenina clasica donde se mostraba a la mujer con pañuelos en la cabeza, sombreros, vestidos largos, pantalon y chaqueta. Una mujer desde muy femenina a con un aire masculino.

We saw a classic feminine collection which showed women with headscarves, hats, long dresses, pants and jacket. A woman from a very feminine to a masculine air.

Crea-Moda /Create-Fashion 2011: “Futuritas”, “In/organica”, “Into the Wild” & “Longleat House”
©Iban Montero

Crea-Moda /Create-Fashion 2011: “Futuritas”, “In/organica”, “Into the Wild” & “Longleat House”
©Iban Montero

Crea-Moda /Create-Fashion 2011: “Futuritas”, “In/organica”, “Into the Wild” & “Longleat House”
©Iban Montero

Crea-Moda /Create-Fashion 2011: “Futuritas”, “In/organica”, “Into the Wild” & “Longleat House”
©Iban Montero

Crea-Moda /Create-Fashion 2011: “Futuritas”, “In/organica”, “Into the Wild” & “Longleat House”

©Asier Camacho

Con su clara inspiracion en la epoca de la transicion de la mujer a la moda del pantalon (epoca de Coco Chanel en adelante, para leer mas sobre esta epoca te puede interesar este post), esta coleccion gano un merecido 5º premio otrogado por la Diputacion Foral de Bizkaia de un total de 1.100€.

With its clear inspiration from the time of the transition from women’s fashion to pants (time of Coco Chanel on, to read more about this time you may be interested in this post), this collection won a deserved 5 th prize granted by the Provincial Foral de Bizkaia from a total of 1,100 €.

Crea-Moda /Create-Fashion 2011: “Futuritas”, “In/organica”, “Into the Wild” & “Longleat House”
©Iban Montero

Mañana mas y mejor, ¡Hasta entonces!

Tomorrow more, Till then!


Por cierto… Queria daros las gracias ya que hoy superamos las 5.000 visitas y para el poco tiempo que llevamos online es una pasada. ¡Muchisimas gracias por todo!


By the way … I wanted to thank you because today exceeds 5,000 visits and for the shortly time we have been online we have found is incredible. Thank you so much for everything!


Crea-Moda /Create-Fashion 2011: “Futuritas”, “In/organica”, “Into the Wild” & “Longleat House”

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