As reported in his Campaign Blog, the Great Electoral Commission, constituted to regulate the elections to the Grand Master in the G.L.E., has denied the request to extend tables for the next day 10.
(List of proposed tables at the end of the article *)
After the denial of the censuses, The Great Electoral Commission has also denied the extension of the 23 tables that will be made available to the BB. ·. to exercise their right to vote.
The position of candidate Torres has always been, and so he requested at the time, to expand in 10 more tables to facilitate the displacement of the BB.·. to them.
In addition to the existing ones, Manuel Torres asked for the creation of 10 more tables that are divided in this way:
3 more tables in Andalusia:
In areas as important at the population level as Jerez, Granada and Córdoba, in addition to changing the existing one in Mojácar through Almería.
2 more tables in the Balearic Islands:
Torres asked to add two more tables because of the difficulty that may arise from the transfer of the BB.·. between islands, since this would suppose a possible reduction of the participation. Therefore, only Palma de Mallorca will remain, even though they were also requested in Ibiza and Menorca.
One more in the Canary Islands:
In addition to the three existing, both in Tenerife/south, Lanzarote and Las Palmas, one more has been requested in Tenerife/north that has not been granted either.
In the Province of Castilla:
That according to the territorial division of the G.L.E. it covers many more provinces, including Euskadi, Galicia and the entire Cantabrian coast; In addition to the tables in A Coruña, Bilbao and Palencia, another table was requested in Toledo.
3 more Catalonia
In the Masonic Province of Catalonia, one of the most influential, there will be BB.·. that they have to move a few hundred kilometers to vote, since the electoral regulatory body has only admitted a table in Barcelona, still requesting the W.B. Torres three more tables in Girona, Lleida and Reus.
1 more in the Region of Murcia
In Murcia there will also be only one electoral table of the two requested, and will be located in Cartagena, despite having requested the installation of another in the city of Murcia.
Structure of the distribution of tables proposed and approved in this link (English)