Hi all! Well today I bring you a simple DIY for this tutorial inspires me ... me based on hundreds and hundreds of images on Pinterest, you can see the Jeans shorts with lace touches this summer is used quite ! it's easy, all you need to buy lace or lace is the one you like!

Bueno comenzamos con los materiales: Jeans viejos o unos shorts que deseas reciclar Tijera Aguja e hilo Puntilla o Encaje
Well start with the materials: old jeans or shorts you want to recycle fork Needle and thread Lace
Paso 1: Elegir un Jean viejo que quieras reciclar
Step 1: Choose one you want to recycle old Jean
Paso 2: Debes medir a que altura quieres cortarlo para que te siente bien y luego no sea ni demasiado corto ni demasiado largo, les recomiendo que se pongan el pantalón y frente a un espejo disidan como mas les guste!
Step 2: You need to measure how high you want to cut to feel good and then is neither too short nor too long, I recommend that you put the pants and disidan front of a mirror as they like!
Paso 3: Cortarlo/Step 3: Cut

Once you cut it and use it to make a hem so also looks great
Paso 4: Medimos la cantidad puntilla o encaje que usaremos
Step 4: Measure the amount you'll use lace or lace
Paso 5: Comenzamos a coser la puntilla en el lugar donde lo deseamos, escogí donde hice el dobles porque fe donde mas me gusto, pero puede agregarse también en los bolsillos o hacer algún toque en el frente.Step 5: We started sewing the lace in the place where we want it, where I chose the double because faith which I liked, but may also be added in the pockets or make a play on the front.

Cosemos todo el resto y ya esta!
Es muy rápido y sencillito de hacer! Anímense a mi me tomo menos de una hora para este veranito ya me equipe y no es necesario gastar tanto, en casa siempre hay algo para reutilizar!
Sew all the rest and that's it!
It is very fast and sencillito to do! Cheer It took me less than an hour for this veranito and equip me and do not need to spend so much at home there is always something to reuse!