Por: Rocío Caro
El problema de los terremotos es un fenómeno que afecta a gran cantidad de países, sobre todo, a los situados en el "Cordón de Fuego del Pacífico", que son los lugares que han sufrido los mayores movimientos sísmicos que se conocen en la historia.
English Version: The problemof earthquakeis a phenomenon thataffectsmany countries, especiallythose locatedin the "Pacific FireCord", whichare the places thathave sufferedthe largestknownearthquakesin history.
There are manydisastersthat occurafteran earthquake, includingthe collapse of buildingsand, therefore, thousandsof deaths andthe destructionof millions of houses, and that'swhere architectscan contribute.How can we further improve anti-earthquake systems in our buildings?

A Japanese company, Air Danshin Systems Inc., has createda formula veryuseful in thesecases,it is asystem thatfloatsbuildings. This is avery simple mechanism, when asensorinstalled in thehousing, detects an earthquake, immediately, a compressorinjectsair layermaking itfloat7.6 inches aboveits foundations.
Theonly requirementis thatthe materialthat buildsthe houseismostlywood and its facilities(gas, water, sewerageand electricity),are madewithflexible tubing. Oncejustthe earthquake, the housereturns to itsoriginal position.
In 2011,alreadybegan toimplementthis system innearly a hundredJapanese housesWill have to seewhat resultshavebeen having for themost recentearthquakes. Enjoy!