Ya hablaremos de ello, aun estoy muy en shock con todo lo que ha pasado. Como os decía el look lo utilicé un par de días antes de irnos para hacer unas compras en familia, así que ir cómoda era esencial y ya sabéis que los shorts son una de mis prendas favoritas durante todo el año, así que aquí va un look con ellos, muy casual y con un mix de prendas básicas, espero que os guste. Nosotros nos vemos mañana, os mando mucho amor. Feliz semana."Porque me faltas tú..."
"I miss those arms that always hug me"
Hi folks, first of all forgive me, I know I've been away for a few days, the hardest of my life, I never thought that the end of my trip to Granada was so bitter, but every now and then life hits hard and this end of the year has taken away what I most loved and created a void that I can never fill, but now I just want to try to "return to normal" As soon as possible, so I didnt want to leave the blog stopped so long and today I show you one of the looks we made before we went on a trip to Granada, now I see it so far my smile... I couldnt imagine what would happen Only days later, I'm still assuming that I will not see he again :(I'm still very shocked with everything that has happened. Now i talk to you about the look that I used a couple of days before we go to do a family shopping, so going comfortable was essential and you know that shorts are one of my favorite clothes throughout the year, so here goes a look With its, very casual and with a basic clothes mix, I hope you like it.See you tomorrow, I send you much love. Happy week.
"Because I miss you..."