Que "El Rincón de David" está cruzando fronteras es un hecho. Ya entrevistamos a gente de México, Perú, etc...
Pero esta vez éste rincón va más allá, hasta Asia. El es Wiltay, cantate Asiatico que ha participado en el Mado Madrid Orgullo de éste año... Hoy le damos la Bienvenida...
- Gracias Wiltay por darme parte de tu tiempo y que formes parte de mi blog "El Rincón de David"…
- HOLA David! the pleasure is mine!
(- Hola David! El Placer es mio)
- Háblanos de tu single "Hola"
- When I received a phonecall during my vacation in Spain. The lady on the phone was saying “hola! hola? como estas” in a very beautiful voice. I thought it sounded very soothing. It was a wrong phone call she made, but that moment I fell in love with the way the spaniards say “hola” because it sounds very welcoming. Thus I decided at that very moment that I wanted to write a song hola to present it to the rest of the world and in Asia!

- Acabas de Participar en las fiestas del Orgullo de Madrid ¿Cómo ha sido la experiencia?
- Imagine being in front of a million of people celebrating the freedom to love. Looking at difference internationalities, people from different backgrounds come together as the city turned into a party. It was my first experience of the gay pride since performing, I enjoyed it very much! I think this is very important because there is no discimination against others, it’s like a fruit salad, you have different fruits together but at the end they belong in the same family. There is liberty for the LGBT and I think this shows the basic humanity kindness of love despite sexuality! When I was performing, the audiences were very interactive. When I left the stage, there were many people cheering and shouting “chino chino!”, I stopped and gave everyone around a hug! I will never forget this experience from spain.
(- Imagínate estar en frente de un millón de personas celebrando la libertad de amar. En cuanto a la diferencia internacional, la gente de diferentes orígenes se unen, como la ciudad se convirtió en una fiesta. Fue mi primera experiencia del orgullo gay desde la realización, lo disfruté mucho!
Actuación en Mado Orgullo Madrid 2013
Creo que esto es muy importante porque no hay descriminacion en contra de otros, es como una ensalada de frutas, que tiene diferentes frutas juntas, pero al final todos pertenecen a la misma familia. Hay libertad para la comunidad LGBT y creo que esto demuestra la bondad básica de la humanidad, el amor a pesar de la sexualidad!Cuando estaba realizando, el concierto eran muy interactivo. Cuando salí al escenario, había mucha gente animando y gritando "chino chino!", Me detuve y di a todos un abrazo! Nunca olvidaré esta experiencia de España.)
- ¿Crees que es una manera positiva y que te pueden abrir puertas para darte a conocer artísticamente?
- When I was invited to perform at the orgullo gay pride, I only wanted to share the message of positivity. Life as an artiste for me is very lovely, waking up everyday to doing something you love. I love to be involved in projects that involves a lot of fun, excitement and orgullo was it for me.

- ¿Te ha gustado España, con lo poco que has visto?
- I am deeply in love with spain. People are expressive and very real. I think that is an incredibly powerful value. There is so much creatively talented people here in Spain. I was very honored to be have met pedro almodvar during my first week in spain. He was an incredibly humble person and this reflects how much creativity there is here in spain! I love spanish food - Jamon de bellota - I could eat that every day and in spain I will not miss out the occasional chupitos! It is a life and creativity haven.

- ¿Qué próximos proyectos tienes en mano?
- I have been invited to do some wonderful campaigns and charities for the LGBT community as well. I am very happy to make an impact with my art and there will be some surprises in November here in Spain!

- Algún consejo para aquellas personas que se quieran dedicar al mundo de la música ¿Qué les dirías?
- My dearest creativity friends, we live in the world of creation. There are unlimited possibilities in creativity. Believe in yourself, in your art and keep your head held high. This journey is filled with mystery and sometimes challenge. Love what you do, find passion in every angle, keep doing something better for yourself each day, I promise you, you will reach it. I fought for my believes, I was rejected by record labels that told me I was not good enough, not tall enough, but at the end of the day, it is how you look at yourself that matters, the people who love you for who you are will be there for you. Dare to be different. Smile on, and enjoy the ride.

- Y una pregunta personal ¿Qué te parece mi blog "El Rincón de David"? ¿Cambiarías algo para poder mejorarlo?
- I think it is wonderful that you keep people of spain informed in the world of music, that you share the messages and news that you believe to the people. It is very nice of you. I felt the heart of your positivity and passion, well done David!

- Muchas gracias Wiltay por tu tiempo. Es un placer que formes parte de esta gran familia que va creciendo día a día en "El Rincón de David"… Un fuerte abrazo.
- Thank you David and lovely friends of Spain.
- Gracias David y sois encantadores los amigos de España
Ya lo véis, así de simpático y alegre es este gran cantante, Wiltay... Espero tenerte otra vez por este rincón y nos cuentes como te va...

"Hola" Nuevo single ya la venta en Itunes.
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También puedes votar mi blog, y compartirlo para difundir todas las entrevistas... porque los Artistas se tienen que hacerse escuchar, porque sin ellos no hay arte, sin el arte no hay cultura... Y aquí, tienen su rincón, "El Rincón de David"... NO TE LO PIERDAS!!