Como todos los meses vengo a traerles mis elegidos, mis favoritos que rockearon mi mundo y merecen ser conocidos por el resto de la humanidad. Aquí los de OCTUBRE 2013.
As every month I come to bring my chosen, my favorites that rocked my world and deserve to be known by the rest of humanity. Here is my OCTOBER 2013 selection
No se olviden de hacer click en "SUSCRIBIRSE" para tener todas las actualizaciones del canal y ponerle "manito arriba" si gustó el video :)
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel: http://youtube.com/flaviaflanders and put a "thumbs up" if you liked the video :)

I'm spending my days in bed because of a bad sore throat so I could not make the video answering your questions but the good news is that you can still send me more at: http://ask.fm/flaviaflanders anonymously. I hope to recover well soon and return with all batteries.
¿Les gustaron mis favoritos? ¿Tienen/probaron alguno?
Did you like my month favourites? Have you tried/have one of them?
Love and Rockets, FlaviaFlanders Facebook: /youcancallmeFLANDERS Twitter: @flaviaflandershttp://www.fringeindiemagazine.com/DISCLAIMER: porque cuentas claras conservan la amistad