Buenos días!Hoy os traigo un look todoterreno, de esos que te sirven para andar comodamente de allá para acá durante todo el día, exactamente fue del domingo pasado, que durante la mañana tuve que trabajar, y por la tarde decidimos ir al cine, a ver "Ocho apellidos vascos" que por cierto, os recomiendo si no la habéis visto, rato de risa asegurado.Muchas gracias por todas las visitas que ha tenido el blog durante los últimos post, y que paséis un fin de semana genial!
Good morning! Today I bring you a look SUV, those who serve you to walk comfortably back and forth all day, exactly I was last Sunday, during the morning I had to work, and in the afternoon we decided to go to the movies to see "eight Basque surnames "which by the way, I recommend if you have not seen, while insured laughter. Thank you very much for all the visitors who had the blog for the last post, and you'll have a great weekend!

Jeans: MANGOJersey: PIMKIECamisa/ shirt: STRADIVARIUSBolso/ bag: MANGOAnillo/ ring: CICLÓN OUTLETGafas/ sunglasses: OPTICALLINGSubscribe to Victim of my closet by Email