Ladies! I exchanged my heels for these loafers that I asked for for Christmas. I also asked for some 'cool' socks to wear them with, but that message was lost in translation and instead of that I got some pair of cool socks, but there're perfect only to go to the bed with them! haha. I have, however, been able to wear them with my Lycra klein tights! I was looking very blue that day, well, that was what Arturo said when I opened the door, and since I was wearing the sailor type jersey underneath I decided to combine this look with my Zara red scarf, which is really soft and warm, and with my new red bag from Guess. I did ask for a red bag for Christmas and that message was well-noted, thanks mum! I am using every occasion I can to wear this bag! The denim dungaree I'm wearing is the one you saw here (click!) and I'm definitely wearing it quite a bit, it's easy to combine and comfortable. I think you can still find it on sale if you are interested! I hope you like it! Kisses and enjoy your Thursday!

I'm wearing:
Bag / Bolso: Guess
Dungaree / Pero: Zara
Scarf / Bufanda: Zara
Jersey: Pull&Bear (old)
Trench: Stradivarius
Loafers / Mocasines: Stradivarius
Tights / Medias: Lycra
Sunglasses / Gafas: Ray-Ban
Por cierto bellas mías, Lycra está haciendo un concurso en Facebook (en el que estoy participando, me apunto a todo!!) y el primer premio es un viaje a Australia!!! Sólo tienen que subir un #legfie, o sea, una foto de vuestras piernas o como se os ocurra luciendo un par de medias de Lycra!! Más fácil IMPOSIBLE! Toda la info y el link para participar lo tenéis aquí --> http://a.cstmapp.com/p/8340
¡Mucha suerte a todas las que vayan a participar, y como no, suerte para mí también que estoy deseando ver a un Koala de cerca! jajaja