En este video hablan los artistas y el director José Luis García Sánchez de su película estrenada ayer " Don Mendo Rock ¿ La Venganza ? "
"No hemos hecho parodia de Don Mendo ..." José Luis García Sánchez
" Ha sido una experiencia preciosa ...me he sentido muy a gusto , muy contenta ..." Paz Vega
"Aspiro que la gente se ría muchísimo ..." J.L.García Sánchez
" Yoima es una actríz maravillosa "J.L.García Sánchez
In this video there speak the artists and the director Jose Luis García Sanchez of his movie released yesterday " Don Mendo Rock the Revenge? "
" We have not done Don Mendo's parody... " Jose Luis García Sanchez
" It has been a precious experience ... I have felt very to taste, very satisfied... " Paz Vega
" I inhale that the people laugh very much... " J.L.García Sanchez
" Yoima is a wonderful actress " J.L.García Sanchez
WEB OFICIAL http://www.donmendorock.com