This week my mission was to get my daughter scare to their classmates. I do not know if she got it, but I assure you that she had a great day.
Le prometi que le dedicaria
un post para ella solita en esta fecha, asi que cumpliendo mi palabra os presento a mi pequeña Vampiresa.
I'd promised her I would dedicate a post to it alone on this date, so fulfilling my word I present my little vamp.
El vestido y la capa la he hecho yo para ella, ya que no encontre algo que nos gustara a las dos, y maquillandola nos la pasamos pipa....
The dress and coat I have done for her to it since we did not find something that like us, disguising and making up we had a great moment...
Que tengais una noche muy divertida y terrorificamente dulce.!!!!!!!
I wish you a very fun and sweet Terriffic night.