Revista Moda

H&M; has other stories for us

Publicado el 11 marzo 2013 por Mai @Styleonstreet
H&M; has other stories for usEn apenas un mes H&M ha revolucionado la industria de la moda como pocas chain stores, que si desfile en la Paris Fashion Week por aquí, que si lanzamiento de & Other Stories por allá…
Dos grandes – y posiblemente dolorosos – golpes de efecto para otros gigantes del low-cost como Topshop, que también cuenta desde hace años con desfile propio dentro del calendario de la Semana de la Moda de Londres, o Zara, de cuyo dueño, Amancio Ortega, también se ha hablado mucho estas últimas semanas por ese tercer puesto en la lista de hombres más ricos de Forbes.
Pero bueno, a lo que iba.
Esas “otras historias” del grupo Hennes & Mauritz han centralizado la atención de los medios, y no es para menos, la cadena sueca ha concentrado en ella el sello minimalista de COS, el diseño de Weekday, los tintes street wear de Monki y Cheap Monday y algunos de los precios más ajustados de su principal pilar, H&M.
Son pocas las ciudades que por el momento albergarán un & Other stories, y aunque Barcelona se encuentra entre esa pequeña selección de lugares, no hará falta trasladarse hasta la ciudad condal para adquirir tal o cual prenda u accesorio del que nos hayamos encaprichado, ya que la cadena cuenta con una tienda online de lo más espectacular, además debido a su lanzamiento los envíos no tienen coste adicional.
Eso sí, & Other stories es más que moda, también cuenta con una amplia gama de cosméticos que incluyen perfumes, una línea de baño y cuerpo, otra de maquillaje y ¡Mon dieu, más de 40 tonos de esmalte de uñas!
¡Abran paso a & Other Stories señores, la nueva propuesta de H&M ha llegado para quedarse!
H&M; has other stories for usH&M; has other stories for usThis last month H&M has shaken up the fashion industry as just a few chain stores have done before, the fashion show during Paris Fashion Week, the launching of & Other stories…
They have been two big – and probably painful – great impacts for two other low-cost giants as Topshop, which has also its own fashion show included in the London Fashion Week calendar, or Zara, whose owner, Amancio Ortega has also captured many news these last weeks because he has reached the third position in the Forbes richest men list.
But well, back to what I was talking about before…
These “other stories” of the Hennes & Mauritz group have attracted the attention of the media, and with good reason, the Swedish store has concentrated in it the minimalist style of COS, the design of Weekday, the street wear overtones of Monki and Cheap Monday and some of the affordable prices of its main pillar, H&M.
Just a few cities will have their own & Other stories, but we don’t have to travel to the nearest one because the chain store has a marvelous online shop which plans to ship worldwide, because unfortunately up to this moment they don’t ship to a huge range of places.
Nevertheless, if you have the good luck of living in one of those selected countries, you can enjoy free shipping because of its launching!
But hey, & Other Stories is much more than fashion, it also has a wide range of cosmetics which includes perfumes, bath and body products, make up and, mon dieu, more than 40 nail polish colors!
Ladies and gentlemen make way to & Other stories, it has arrived and plans to stay for a long time!

H&M; has other stories for usH&M; has other stories for us
Beware of the marvels you can find after the break, don't fall in love! ;)
H&M; has other stories for usH&M; has other stories for usH&M; has other stories for usH&M; has other stories for usH&M; has other stories for usH&M; has other stories for usH&M; has other stories for usH&M; has other stories for usH&M; has other stories for usH&M; has other stories for usH&M; has other stories for usH&M; has other stories for usH&M; has other stories for usH&M; has other stories for usH&M; has other stories for usH&M; has other stories for us
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