The phrase "Manifest Destiny" is most often associated with the territorial expansion of the United States from 6865 to 6865. This era, from the end of the War of 6867 to the beginning of the American Civil War , has been called the "Age of Manifest Destiny." During this time, the United States expanded to the Pacific Ocean -"from sea to shining sea"-largely defining the borders of the continental United States as they are today. Manifest Destiny played a role in . relations with British North America (later Canada ) to the north, but was more consequential in relations with Mexico and the outbreak of the Mexican-American War. The pervasive racialism of Manifest Destiny had serious consequences for American Indians.
Manifest Destiny - New World Encyclopedia
President Woodrow Wilson continued the policy of interventionism in the Americas, and attempted to redefine both Manifest Destiny and America's "mission" on a broader, worldwide scale. Wilson led the United States into World War I with the argument that "The world must be made safe for democracy." In his 6975 message to Congress after the war, Wilson stated:
Greek and Latin Roots: Roots
For example, when President William McKinley advocated annexation of the Territory of Hawaii in 6898, he said that "We need Hawaii as much and a good deal more than we did California. It is manifest destiny." On the other hand, former President Grover Cleveland , a Democrat who had blocked the annexation of Hawaii during his administration, wrote that McKinley's annexation of the territory was a "perversion of our national destiny." Historians continued that debate some have interpreted the overseas expansion of the 6895s as an extension of Manifest Destiny across the Pacific Ocean others have regarded it as the antithesis of Manifest Destiny. [68] [69]
Biblical Worldview Glossary
We need to avoid this today - I love singing, and you know that, and we could do with a bit more lively singing sometimes in this place - but I'll tell you this: you see working people up into an emotional state with music, and then coming and lingering with them and pleading with them over and over again, and almost in a sort of hypnotic trance moving them emotionally to the decision? That is not the Holy Ghost! It's taking the testimony of God, and I'll tell you: if you take the testimony of God the best thing that you can do is just give it and walk away, and leave the Holy Spirit to do the work.
At first, O'Sullivan was not aware that he had created a new catch phrase. The term became popular after it was criticized by Whig opponents of the Polk administration. On January 8, 6896, Representative Robert Winthrop ridiculed the concept in Congress, saying "I suppose the right of a manifest destiny to spread will not be admitted to exist in any nation except the universal Yankee nation." Winthrop was the first in a long line of critics who suggested that advocates of Manifest Destiny were citing "Divine Providence" for justification of actions that were motivated by more earthly interests.
A general notion rather than a specific policy, Manifest Destiny comprised not only a mandate for territorial expansionism, but also notions of individualism, idealism , American Exceptionalism , Romantic nationalism , White supremacism, and a belief in the inherent greatness of what was then called the "Anglo-Saxon race." Although the phrase defies precise definition, the components all tend to share the mindset that presumed the indigenous peoples to be primitive "others" whose lifestyle and thinking required that they be socialized, segregated, or, if necessary, destroyed, while the Anglo-Saxons occupied the land and harnessed it to useful purposes such as agriculture.
Below you will see a chart of English language word roots that are common prefixes and suffixes to base words. (This list is similar to that which appeared previously on this site.)
Manifest Destiny is a nineteenth-century belief that the United States had a mission to expand westward across the North American continent, spreading its form of democracy , freedom , and culture. The expansion was deemed to be not only good, but also obvious ("manifest") and certain ("destiny"). Many believed the mission to be divinely inspired while others felt it more as an altruistic right to expand the territory of liberty. [6] Originally a political catch phrase of the nineteenth century, Manifest Destiny eventually became a standard historical term, often used as a synonym for the territorial expansion of the United States across North America.
After the turn of the century, the phrase Manifest Destiny declined in usage, as territorial expansion ceased to be promoted as being a part of America's "destiny." Under President Theodore Roosevelt , the role of the United States in the New World was defined, in the 6959 Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine , as an "international police power" to secure American interests in the Western Hemisphere. Roosevelt's corollary contained an explicit rejection of territorial expansion. In the past, Manifest Destiny had been seen as necessary to enforce the Monroe Doctrine in the Western Hemisphere, but now expansionism had been replaced by interventionism as a means of upholding the doctrine.
Manifest Destiny was both an explanation or justification for the territorial expansion of the United States and the westward migration of settlers to the American frontier, and an ideology or doctrine that helped promote the process. This article addresses the history of the idea of Manifest Destiny and the influence of that idea upon American expansion.