Revista Arquitectura

Hibridación digital con QR

Por Zuloark

¿Para qué sirven los códigos QR? ¿Es realmente práctico? ¿Tienen sentido en el espacio urbano? ¿Qué interés puede tener esa capa de datos digitales que se superpone a nuestro espacio público?

Ayer escuchaba en el streaming de zemos98 y retweeteo: “El universo está hecho de historias, no de átomos” Muriel Rukeyser vía @radicalbytes #13ZEMOS98 y mi lector de feeds me regala éste post  de popupcity por la mañana.

QR Storytelling


140 Years have passed since the happenings of the Paris Commune, the governance experience known to be the first historical assumption of power by the working class during the Industrial Revolution, that briefly ruled Paris between March and May 1871. Despite the relatively short life and the limited geographical range of the experience (the governance was only extended to the city of Paris itself, as a city council), the Commune is still considered an extremely important happening in the history of the French capital.

zuloark Hibridación digital con QR QR

The particular, symbolic value of the action, made it become an extremely violent scenario, heavily hitting the city and its new representatives and supporters, provoking the destruction of monuments with political charge, the creation of barricades, and the spread of summery executions. Scenes of this sort of small scale civil war are now being repurposed in an interesting project developed by Raspouteam collective, which mixes techniques of street art, interaction, and broadcast of historical information through digital media in a smart way.

The project presents a series of interventions in what it considers to be the key places to understand the experience of the Paris Commune — images related to the event are pasted on the walls and an accompanying QR code links us to a website where the history of the Commune is presented. But what is most interesting is that the action happens in real time — the information related to a certain event is published the same day in which the event was historically registered, with of course exactly 140 years of delay. The presentation of a real-time, site-specific historical chronicle of facts happened in the city is a clever way of merging guerrilla techniques, mobile web technologies and at the same time a tribute to the press, as the information is nostalgically brought to us under the shape of a web-based illustrated journal.

zuloark Hibridación digital con QR QR

(El post continúa en, que linkan a una entrevista en francés con los autores  de Raspouteam, y para conocer mejor el proyecto, mejor ir directamente a la web del París City Map 1.0)

¿Qué pasa cuando los rincones de nuestra ciudad tienen “código de barras” y nos narran sus historias devenires y avatares? En zoohaus se utilizaron con éxito en microacciones de geolocalización dentro del proyecto +SUV+, como ésta en Extremadura

zuloark Hibridación digital con QR QR
, y seguiremos trabajando para contar la historia de los lugares que queremos, como el Campo de Cebada, vía QR. ¿Alguna propuesta mejor?


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