According to Hinduism, and some Asian cultures, the chakras are the manifestation of spiritual energies on the physical plane and its role is to help mental and physical alignment. In particular, the human body is composed of 7 chakras, and each one is represented by a rainbowcolor.James Boyd, a renowned jeweler, decided to visit an expert in chakras while passing through a serious stomach condition, and through meditation by blocking energy, got healed and bring the balance to his life. After that, James was encouraged to give shape to the power of the chakras in a collection of seven bracelets in gold or silver finish, "The role of the Chakra's bracelets is to help physical and mental alignment". Each bracelet has a different meaning attached to the attributes and qualities of the chakra they represent. Cheryl Cole, Sienna Miller and Kanye West are some of the celebrities who have already one on their wrists. You can find them at www.daisyjewellery.com♥♥♥

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