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Camisa/Top: Topshop (Old) Falda/Skirt: Vintage Sandalias/Sandals: ?¿ (Local Store) Bolso/Bag:Zara (Old) Collar/Necklace:Topshop AW'11 Pulsera/Bracelet:Vintage Gafas/Sunnies:Ray-Ban Esta falda para mi es única mi madre la compró hace muchos años en un mercadillo, se la ponía muchísimo y a mi me encantaba ver lo guapa que estaba con ella. De pequeña me la ponía y jugaba a ser mayor, me quedaba grandísima pero no importaba porque me veía genial... Con los años pasó a ser un recurso para las fiestas de disfraces, mi amiga Ester se la puso en una ocasión en la que iba de "pitonisa" (guapisima por cierto), y como opción para fiestas hippies siempre ha sido la número uno. Ahora ya forma parte de mi armario pero me la sigo turnando con mi madre, es una de esas prendas que se comparten entre madre e hija y que ya no se encuentran tan facilmente.
¿Tenéis alguna prenda así?
This skirt is unique for me. My mother bought it many years ago at a flea market, she used wear it very often and I loved seeing how beautiful she was with it. When I was child I love play dressed with my mother clothes to pretended to be older, this skirt was my favorite item, was very big for me but I didn't matter because I looked great as my mother was.
Over the years became a resource for costume parties, my friend Ester wore it one occasion for be a "witch" (so pretty by the way), and always has been number one option for hippie parties. Now this is skirt is a part of my wardrobe but I still take turns with my mother, is one of those items that are shared between mother and daughter, that now you cant find so easily.
Do you have a garment like that?