En fin, todo un circo de gente muy variopinta rodeado de la Gran Via.
Incluso, me pudes ver a mi cual pringado haciendo fotos al look que os enseño hoy. Me he arriesgado con estos pantalones de cuero que aunque parezcan asfixiantes, no lo son para nada.Espero que os gusten las fotos y gracias por vuestros comentarios.I had never taken photos at Plaza de España and I don't know why as it its an amazing spot downtown Madrid. You can find people from different age or style just tanning for a while under the sun or eating sunflower seeds in any of its small gardens or even realizing the presence of classic Japanese trying to frame any of the statues in the square with their cameras.Anyway, a whole circus of different people around Gran Via. You can even see me getting pictures taken at me with the look I'm showing you today. I went all risky with these leather pants which, even if they look suffocating, they're not.Hope you liked the photos and thank you for your comments.

Llevo camiseta de Conscious collection por h&m, pantalones de Loewe y las más cómodos para dar una vuelta, mis Superga.
I'm wearing Conscious collection by h&m t-shirt, Loewe pants and the most comfortable shoes for a walk, my Superga.