Revista Fashion Blogger

How To Wear It: Christmas special 2

Publicado el 18 diciembre 2013 por Myvintagememoirs @myvintagememoir
How To Wear It: Christmas special 2Good morning and happy Christmas!! Today I show you a new "How To Wear It" Christmas special!! I also want to talk to you about a website I recently discovered and which I really like. The website I'm talking about is an online retailer offering high quality clothes at amazing prices, and I can definitely vouch for that!! You can find dresses, skirts, coats, etc. at great prices and some of them even ship in 24h!! So take a look at their website I'm sure you will find something you really like, because I have ;DI hope you like the looks I've created!!
¡Buenos días y felices fiestas! Hoy os traigo un nuevo outfit post especial navidad!! Además quiero hablaros de una tienda online que he conocido hace poco y de la que os contaré mi experiencia cuando reciba mi pedido. Se trata de una tienda online low cost donde puedes encontrar desde vestidos y abrigos hasta cosas para la casa. Os recomiendo que le echéis un vistazo, porque yo ya he visto un montón de cosas que me han gustado!! ;D¡Espero que os gusten los looks que he creado!
Beautysets - christmas outfit11. Everbuying 11,12€2. Everbuying 16,06€3. Everbuying 2,03€4. Zara 49,95€

Beautysets - christmas look 21. Everbuying 3,63€
2. Everbuying 16,65€ 
3. Everbuying 12,66€
4. Zara 49,95€

Beautysets - christmas outfit 3
1. H&M 3,95€2. Everbuying 16,08€3. Everbuying 11,12€4. Zara 29,95€
Did you know this website? Big kiss and thank you for visiting my blog and leaving your comments ;D
¿Conocíais esta web? Un besazo y mil gracias por pasaros por aquí y dejarme vuestros comentarios :D

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How To Wear It: Christmas special 2

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