Today I want to show different inspirations for your outfits, in the white shirt is the main character. This garment we can use for any type of look, whether for an afternoon of games with our children, meet with friends, or look for our working girl. The great ambassador when using the white shirt as a pledge of work is Carolina Herrera, great designer and woman with great style. We've seen celebs take as Olivia Palermo, Victoria Beckham, among others. Making a lookback find Marilyn Monroe and Victoria Woolf who adapted white shirt on male or romantic key.

Aquí os dejo una serie de inspiraciones que espero que os puedan ayudar en vuestros outfits....
Here you have a number of inspirations that I hope you can help in your outfits ....

Es una prenda que permite muchas combinaciones, shorts, faldas de diferentes largos, pantalones, de estilo vestido,..., que nos ayudan a crear un look elegante y sofisticado.
It is a garment that allows many combinations, shorts, skirts of different lengths, pants, dress style, ..., that help us to create an elegant and sophisticated look.

Algunas de las propuestas que nos presentan para esta próxima temporada las firmas de moda son...
Some of the proposals that we have for this upcoming season fashion brands are ...

Bimba & Lola...



Espero que este post os ayude a inspirar vuestros look's, dandoles un estilo chic y elegante.
I hope this post will help inspire your look's, giving them a chic and elegant style.

Imágenes VÍA
¿Utilizáis la camisa blanca en vuestros look's?
Do you use white shirt look in your's?el país de sarah
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