Revista Fashion Blogger

Inspiration: Raffia Bags

Publicado el 12 julio 2017 por Sweetlauryn @swetlauryn
Inspiration: Raffia Bags
¡Buenas noches! Hoy os traigo un post de inspiración con una de las tendencias de la temporada: los capazos. Sin lugar a dudas, se trata del complemento indispensable de este verano. Los capazos abandonan la playa, para conquistar los looks del street style. Se llevan en todas sus versiones posibles: lisos, redondos, pequeños, grandes, con pompones, con flecos, con crochet... Y lo mejor de todo, es que quedan combinan con todo: vestidos, jeans, pantalones de vestir... Os dejo con una selección de los mejores looks del street style con este complemento para que daros ideas de cómo llevarlos.¿Habéis caído ya en sus redes? Gracias por vuestras visitas y comentarios. Nos vemos el jueves con un nuevo post.Good night! Today I bring you an inspiration post with one of the trends of this season: raffia bags. With no doubt, it's the indispensable accessorize of this summer. Raffia Bags leave the beach to conquest the street style outfits. They are trendy in all its versions: round, plain, small, big, with pompons, with fringes, with crochet... And the best of all is that it fits well with dresses, jeans and with formal outfits.I let you a selection of the best street style outfits with this trendy accessorize and to give you ideas how to wear it.Have you fallen in this trend? Thanks for your visits and comments. I will see you next Thursday with a new post. Inspiration: Raffia Bags
Inspiration: Raffia Bags
Inspiration: Raffia Bags
Inspiration: Raffia Bags
Inspiration: Raffia BagsInspiration: Raffia Bags
Inspiration: Raffia Bags
Inspiration: Raffia Bags
Inspiration: Raffia BagsInspiration: Raffia BagsInspiration: Raffia Bags
Inspiration: Raffia Bags
Inspiration: Raffia Bags
Inspiration: Raffia Bags

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