James Wappel Miniature Painting: Work continues on Abbadon...: Now for the set of pictures showing the glazing stage. The previous post showed all the shaded basecoat work. The idea here is to shade and tint all the colors darker.
With Abbadon, it mostly involved blue/black glazes. There were some other shades done with the golds.
On this guys I used Secret Weapon Green and Algae washes. They were just right for what I needed. I also did some greenish brown washes on the golds.
Once I had everything darkened completely, I went back in with some fluorescent paints to work on the orange colors in the 'eyes'. I did this with both figures.
I also went in to the faces and did some detailing there. My next stage has been using the powders to reestablish the lighter colors. I will post those pictures when they are ready!!
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