La semana está empezando bien.
Casi un día primaveral, en el mp4 sonando "Somebody to love" del disco 1 de Glee y más tarde voy a mi primer clase de Asesor de Imagen.
Que buen Lunes!
Hoy voy a compartirles la proxima portada de Elle para la edición de Septiembre.
La nota por supuesto es de la Revista.
Que bella que es Julia, arreglada o no tiene rasgos tan femeninos que la hacen ver siempre muy sensual.
Ustedes que opinan?

The week is starting in a good way.
Almost a spring day, is sounding "Somebody to Love" Disc 1 of Glee in my mp4 and later I will go to my first class of image consultants. =)
Great Monday!
Today I will share with you the next cover of Elle for the September issue.
Of course the articule is from the magazine.
How beautiful is Julia, with or without make-up, she has lines-face that make her very sensual.
What do you think?

En relación con su próximo estreno "Eat, Pray, Love", Elle decidió hacer tres portadas conmemorando el nombre de la película.
Para la portada "Love" Julia luce un vestido romántico floral de Dolce & Gabbana. Con Joyas de Me&Ro, coleccion Vintage de Bulgari and David Yurman.
Para la portada "Eat", la actriz muestra sus hombros desnudos y con un brazalete simple.
En cambio para la portada "Pray" Julia luce mas conservativa con un traje blanco y su pelo lacio.
Elle magazine chose Julia Roberts for the September issue.
In connection with its upcoming "Eat, Pray, Love", Elle decided to do three covers commemorating the movie's name.
For the cover "Love" Julia wears a romantic floral dress by Dolce & Gabbana. With Jewels by Me & Ro, Bulgari's Vintage Collection and David Yurman.
For the cover, "Eat", the actress shows her bare shoulders and a simple bracelet.
Instead for the cover "Pray" Julia looks more conservative in a white suit and straight hair.

Los editores de Elle visten a la joven estrella con prendas de que reflejan la viveza de cada país.
En el set de imágenes en blanco y negro "comer", Roberts posa sexy en una cocina rústica, vestida como los 90's con un vestido en punta blanco del dúo italiano Dolce & Gabbana.
Para simbolizar el espíritu de la India, la actriz luce diseños de inspiración étnica por Roberto Cavalli y Etro, mientras que en "Love" Roberts posa con su esposo Danny Moder luciendo un hippie-Dippy de época de los años 60 y 70, junto con un abrigo de piel de oveja Burberry.
Esta mega estrella de 42 años de edad le cuenta a Elle sobre su familia, su trabajo y algunas cosas que desaprueba como el botox y las cirugías plásticas.
Para leer más de la entrevista de Julia Roberts visita Elle.com.
Italy ("Eat"), India ("Pray"), and Bali ("Love")
Elle's editors dressed the starlet in garments reflecting the vibrance of each country.
In the set of black and white "Eat" images, Roberts strikes sexy poses in a rustic kitchen, dressed to the nines in the signature bustier dresses by Italian duo Dolce & Gabbana.
To symbolize the spirit of India, the actress wears ethnic-inspired designs by Roberto Cavalli and Etro, while in the Bali-themed "Love" shoot, a hippie-dippy Roberts poses with her husband Danny Moder and wears vintage dresses from the '60s and '70s along with a shearling Burberry coat.

The mega star aged 42, tells Elle about her family, work and some things that disapprove such as botox and plastic surgery.

To read more of the Julia Roberts Elle interview visit Elle.com.
Acerca de la película:

About the film:
Liz Gilbert (Roberts) had everything a modern woman is supposed to dream of having - a husband, a house, a successful career - yet like so many others, she found herself lost, confused, and searching for what she really wanted in life. Newly divorced and at a crossroads, Gilbert steps out of her comfort zone, risking everything to change her life, embarking on a journey around the world that becomes a quest for self-discovery. In her travels, she discovers the true pleasure of nourishment by eating in Italy; the power of prayer in India, and, finally and unexpectedly, the inner peace and balance of true love in Bali. Written by Sony Pictures.
Seguramente será una película que veremos y disfrutaremos porque es una gran actriz.Surely It will be a film for see and enjoy because she is a great actress.