If you're a fashion designer, a model or a photographer and you want to grow up in the fashion world, JustProud is your social network. Of course it is as well if you're simply mad about fashion and you want to give your advice.

Los diseñadores suben sus creaciones a la web, y los usuarios opinan y votan las prendas. Además, tienen una tienda online donde se pueden comprar los diseños. También se organizan sesiones de fotos con las prendas, concursos, y muchas más acciones para que los usuarios interactúen.
Designers upload their creations, and users give their advice and vote the garments. There's also an online shop where you can buy the designs. Too, they arrange photoshoots, contests, and many more actions just for make users interact

El resultado es una red que crece a diario, llena de gente con ganas de involucrarse en nuevos proyectos. Genial, verdad?
The result is a network that grows daily, and it's full of people which really want be involved in new fashion projects. Isn't it great?

Have a nice day!