Ese es precisamente el eje central de la colección “Kate Bosworth for Topshop”, Coachella y el resto de los festivales y su estética buenrollera y llena de ripped shorts, botines, sombreros, mochilas de cuero y… obviamente este año también crop tops.
¿Será Kate Bosworth la nueva gallina de los huevos de oro de Topshop? ¡Mientras tanto disfrutemos de su nueva colección!
After many collaborations “Kate Moss for Topshop”, the British chain store has decided to do a ‘duck, duck, goose’ strategy and has changed the top model in favor of the actress Kate Bosworth, one of Burberry’s muses and of course, unconditional attendees of Coachella.
That is precisely the main theme of the Kate Bosworth for Topshop collection, Coachella, music festivals and their good vibrant aesthetic full of ripped shorts, booties, hats, leather backpacks and… obviously this year also crop tops.
Will Kate Bosworth be the Topshop’s new goose that laid the golden eggs? Meanwhile let’s enjoy this new collection!

You can shop it here!
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