Revista Fashion Blogger

keep it black & white!

Publicado el 04 febrero 2014 por Barbaracrespo @crespobarbara

street style barbara crespo keep it black and white stripes sweater fashion blogger outfit casa america madrid Seguimos con el tema de las rayas en asesoría de imagen. Hoy vamos a ver el efecto que provocan las rayas horizontales anchas. A diferencia de lo que sucede con las estrechas, que no dibujan la figura, las más gruesas ponen mucho volumen y hay que tener cuidado al combinarlasOs aconsejo que no llevéis prendas con este estampado en las zonas que no queráis destacar de vuestra anatomía

Como sucede con el top de tipo neopreno de rayas de hoy, he procurado combinarlo en negro para así no acentuar la tendencia de la prenda a añadir volumen en la zona superior del cuerpoEsto es porque las rayas tan anchas dibujan perfectamente las formas de la silueta y permiten visualizar su volumen sin confusión. Tomad nota de estos consejos de estilismo!


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We keep talking about stripes! Image consulting. Today, we´re going to see how wide horizontal stripes affect our looks. In contrast with the slim stripes that don’t describes your figure, the wide ones gives volume and you have to be careful with them and how to combine them. I can advice you not to wear this kind of stripes in the areas of your body that you don’t want to stand out.

Like it happens with this stripy top today, I have combine it with black to rest the tendency of adding volume to the area of your body, in this case the top part. This happens because the wider stripes describe perfectly the shapes of your figure and it allows visualizing its volume. Take on to account these stylish tips!!

Huge kisses!!

street style barbara crespo keep it black and white stripes sweater fashion blogger outfit casa america madrid
street style barbara crespo keep it black and white stripes sweater fashion blogger outfit casa america madrid
street style barbara crespo keep it black and white stripes sweater fashion blogger outfit casa america madrid
street style barbara crespo keep it black and white stripes sweater fashion blogger outfit casa america madrid
street style barbara crespo keep it black and white stripes sweater fashion blogger outfit casa america madrid
street style barbara crespo keep it black and white stripes sweater fashion blogger outfit casa america madrid
street style barbara crespo keep it black and white stripes sweater fashion blogger outfit casa america madrid
street style barbara crespo keep it black and white stripes sweater fashion blogger outfit casa america madrid
street style barbara crespo keep it black and white stripes sweater fashion blogger outfit casa america madrid
Sheinside top (here)
Zara mini. Similar here / here
Pura López botines/boots
Front Row Shop sombrero/hat (here)
Beautyque Nail Bar manicura/manicure Photos: Sergio Espinosa
keep it black & white!
keep it black & white!

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