Good morning, beauties!!.Is amazing how some accesories can give a special touch to our outfits and today I come with a clear example of this.The fucsia necklace, handbag and foulard that I wear in the pictures contrast and give an extra color to the look consisting of two trends (military, with this beautiful shirt and rocker, with black vinyl leggins) that return strongly this fall.Studded bangle bracelet puts the final touch to this look, do you think?.

Pañuelo/Foulard: CompraChic Collar/Necklace: CompraChic Camisa/Shirt: Quéguapa! Top: Zara (Sales SS/2013) Bolso/Bag: CompraChic Anillo/Ring: Rings&Tings Pulsera/Bracelet: dWappo Leggins: Vintage Botines/Booties: Cortés Zapaterías

Que tengáis un gran día chicas, muchos besos!!
Have a nice day girls, kisses!!