Un viaje actual al centro del sonido setentero. Se trata de una rica reserva de puro retroprog sueco que lleva a un auténtico viaje en el tiempo. Otra muestra de todo lo bueno que nos dejan los vientos escandinavos, esta vez con todo el espíritu lisérgico de los años 70s. Es que esta banda sueca renunció a muchas de las mejoras y comodidades de la era digital, y se alimentaron de un sonido "fósil" que recuerda a sus adorados clásicos nórdicos: el sonido psicodélico entrelazado con toda la diversidad progresiva junto con toda la habitual melancolía nórdica. Creo que este disco le puede quemar la cabeza a más de uno (como se la quemó al Mago Alberto). ¿Te animás a conocerlo o le tenés miedo a una posible sacudida de neuronas?
Artista: KlotetÁlbum: En rak höger
Año: 2008
Género: Rock progresivo
Duración: 48:29
Nacionalidad: Suecia

Cabezonas/es si querían una banda con estilo aquí está para todos ustedes los suecos de KLOTET, impresionante banda con un desarrollo de su sonido como nunca se ha visto del 2000 en adelante, y créanme que son excelentes, estos muchachos se tomaron su tiempo para darle a cada uno de los instrumentos un sonido bien setentoso y de ahí en adelante todo salió con fritas. Sí cabezones, este disco los sorprenderá por las texturas musicales, por el entramado musical, por el desenfado, por las distorsiones, por el increíble sonido de la guitarra, por el cuerpo del bajo y ni hablar de los teclados.Mago Alberto
Los primeros acordes parecen remontarte a algún disco de los 60s y desde ese primer track, lo que viene te sacudirá tu pinche cerebro como nunca creíste que sucedería. Las complejidades armónicas son admirables, no hay nada lineal, es como un avión que despega en el primer track toma altura en el segundo, el tecero te lleva a las nubes y de ahí en adelante... disfrutá del viaje, los suecos de KLOTET están al mando de la máquina.
Disco recurrente 100%, ojalá todas las bandas se tomaran el laburo de buscar su propio sonido como lo hacen estos jóvenes, pero siempre parece que la única alternativa es parecerse a la banda de turno o la que seduce a algún integrante, pero esa es otra historia.
Disco para escuchar y sacarle el jugo. Llego KLOTET al blog cabezón, otra belleza y van.......
El disco va desde el brillante sonido psicodélico hasta las complejidades del jazz-rock o del rock sinfónico, como representantes actuales de bandas como Rare Bird, Quatermass, Cressida o Bo Hansson. La fusión de sonoridades nostálgicas produce un resultado altamente emotivo, que se revela en una yuxtaposición evocadora de la gracia chispeante y dinámica juvenil.
El sonido quizás no sea el punto fuerte del disco pero creo que hace hincapié en el carácter auténtico de todo el proyecto, ya que suena con la contundencia orgánica del registro "bruto". Nada de lo que aquí suena como un retorno a medias a las bandas casi olvidados, los tipos se tiran de cabeza a rememorar toda la magia y la pasión de la explosión creativa de los tempranos setentas, y lo hacen con celo, con pasión y con ganas que quebrar cabezas.
Les dejo algunos comentarios en inglés que dicen más o menos lo mismo que escribimos nosotros y ya leyeron, pero si quieren, aquí está lo que dice alguna gente de todo el mundo:
Surprises. I love surprises when it comes to music. Finding out a thrilling new band, something exciting, fresh and beautiful.Assaf Vestin
Such a surprise I had when a friend over at Progressive Ears recommended this Swedish four-piece band, Klotet and their 2008 release, En Rak Höger. They formed in 2004 in Uppsala and this is their first release, an instrumental album, out on Musea.
A cool keyboards sound with an electronic effect and a dominant bass line presents itself as the album begins, presenting gradually what the band has prepared for us. Soon more sounds are added and the rest of the band joins in. And finally the humorous facet of the music is exhibited as a gypsy/eastern sounding tune is played and developed. Melody is their strong side, as is their ability to wrap it with additional layers of instrumentation and effects. The tracks are catchy, fun and charming and are what makes me coming back to this album and even play several tracks again once they're over. The tracks on the album have each a distinct tune that is played and toyed with, then developed, thrown sideways and resumed. The sound is fuzzy and warm, cool and vibrant; at times sounding psychedelic and at others heavy and sharp. The album contains 14 tracks, mostly short (3-4 minutes) and all work well and have interesting ideas and are well developed and played.
My favourite piece on the album is the 7th track, Allt Är inte farligt. Though short, it has a highly driving motif that opens it, which then shifts to a different section that is somewhat slower but nevertheless haunting appeal with its effects done on the guitar (various effects, have a good listen).
The keyboards (organ and Fender Rhodes I think), played by Milvesofia Rydahl, are definitely the hooks, the root of the music here, and very efficienct bass work by David Hallberg as well as drumming by Mikael Styrke accompany it. Guitarist Påhl Sundström plays alternating roles with Milvesofia; they switch positions of front and back up with their instruments, one leading the other accompanying.
This is a highly enjoyable album, high energy levels, ear worm melodies and groovy atmosphere.
After originally hearing this album on Spotify I made it my mission to buy this release which I finally did and settled for a digital download. It's always nice to see motivated young bands on the prog horizon who are willing to put a little extra effort in their material. The music on En Rak Höger is difficult to define even by progressive rock standards so I completely agree with the Eclectic Prog-categorization that the band has received.Alexander Peterson
The album starts with surprisingly strong Jazz undertones on Jagad Av Satan but that sound is soon enough replaced by a much clearer melody section which is something that will be prominent even throughout the rest of the album. The bass guitar is very clear through the whole recording which, for a bass player like myself, is a true bliss to hear!
The first real highlight comes in the form of the very strangely titled composition called Vanlig Dag På Jobbet, Snutjävel (i.e. Ordinary day at work, cop bastard). Get used to these obscene song titles since it seems to be a trademark of a sorts with Klotet. This composition starts exactly were the previous left off with a really nice guitar-driven intro section which lasts for about two minutes and then transitions into a synthesizer driven melodic section that I completely adore.
I like how the band has incorporated short transition numbers between and sometimes right after their compositions which definitely aids the transition between the different sections of the album and makes for a great overall album experience. After an escapade of mood swings and melodic twists and turns comes another one of this album's highlights. Allt Är Inte Farligt (i.e. Everything Is Not Dangerous) comes at about halfway point through the album and is once again distinguishable due to the highly memorable middle section and the nice build-up leading up to its conclusion.
Ugglor I Mossen (i.e. Owls in the Moss) is this album's lengthiest piece of music cloaking at just over 5 minutes. It's made that way for all the right reasons because Ugglor I Mossen marks the final and, by far, the strongest highlight that this album has to offer. The composition is guitar-driven and has some of the funkiest sounding drum performance of the whole recording. I love how the melody twists and turns in every possible direction and I must have listened to this particular track at least two dozen times this week alone!
I have only praise and admiration for Klotet and their debut album. The music here is creative, catchy and enjoyable on literally every possible level. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this new exciting band and their future releases!
Released in 2008, this Musea debut features the Swedish quartet Klotet in their most outward progressive rock form. Their instrumental pieces are mostly short but full of twists and turns, from odd signatures to complex interplay and spin-on-a-dime shifts in direction. En Rak Höger actually sits well with the form of avant progressive rock championed by Cuneiform Records in the 1990 (Forever Einstein, Miriodor, etc.), with perhaps a heavier element thrown in. One can hear influences from symphonic progressive rock, the odd and fusion facets of this music too (Samla Mammas Manna, Secret Oyster), even a touch of Santana at times ("Ugglor i Mossen" being one example). The material found on En Rak Höger depicts an ebullient band -- ideas run aplenty, but the arrangements are occasionally predictable ("Den Meningslösa Maskinen"). However, there's plenty to enjoy, from the oddly bouncy "Jagad av Satan" to the four-minute mini-epic "En Rak Höger Sä Att Glasögonen Rök." Still, the group's sound would continue to evolve and gain a more distinctive (and unique) personality, as pictured on Klotet's second CD, Det Har Aldrig Hänt Och Kommer Aldrig Hända Igen (2010), where Milvesofia Rydahl's organ playing becomes more singular and a central part of the group's sound. In short, En Rak Höger makes a fine debut, but the work of a band still in development. Their second effort is much more accomplished.François Couture
Klotet are a modern band who play in a VERY Swedish 1970's sort of way. Utilizing only analog keyboards, and a fuzzy electric guitar, Klotet conjures up classic Kebnekaise, Harald Hedning, Lotus, and Flasket Brinner. The foundation of the melodies can be found in Swedish folklore, whereas the music approach is pure early 1970s. An excellent combination.ashratom
En Rak Höger is the debut release by a progressive rock quartet from Uppsala, Sweden formed in 2004. The CD opens with cheesy sounds and rhythm, but soon evolves into a progressive – jazz-rock fusion reminiscent of the 70s. Heavily anchored to Milvesofia Rydahl’s organ and Fender Rhodes, the fourteen instrumentals, varying in length from 30 seconds to five minutes, shift in mood and tempo never straying far from their Swedish prog roots: Bo Hannsson and Zamla. Klotet’s music is precise and highly orchestrated, something that you have to be in right mood to appreciate, though they can be quite melodic. The dynamic and sometimes frantic nature of their music does not lend En Rak Höger for casual listening. The cover artwork, something you might expect from Hieronymus Bosch if he was alive today, communicates some of these sentiments as well. Unfortunately all of the song titles are in Swedish, making it difficult for me to determine how, and if, they relate to the artwork. All that being said, if you are a fan of Swedish progressive music, I would recommend that you investigate this band.Henry Schneider
Lista de Temas:
1. Jagad Av Satan
2. Vanlig Dag På Jobbet, Snutjävel
3. En Rak Höger Så Att Glasögonen Rök
4. Tulpandrakula
5. Den Felande Länken
6. Skrankel
7. Allt Är Inte Farligt
8. Är Detta Humor?
9. Makt Korrumperar
10. Kontrollapparat
11. Bäklangesmannen
12. Den Meningslösa Maskinen
13. Ugglor I Mossen
14. Splittring
- Milvesofia Rydahl / organ, el. piano, synthesizer
- Mikal Styrke / drums, percussion
- Påhl Sundström / guitars
- David Hallberg / bass