Revista Cine

Kubrick, Dios y Spielberg (en ese orden)

Publicado el 08 junio 2010 por Diezmartinez
Kubrick, Dios y Spielberg (en ese orden)
Cartón de Miguel Bayón publicado en

Brett Ratner, en cierta entrevista reciente, cuenta un chiste acerca de Kubrick y Spielberg. El rescate del chistorete, gracias a Josafat Moraila:

Steven Spielberg dies and goes to heaven, and St. Peter says, “Oh, Mr Spielberg, we’re so happy you’re here. God has a very important assignment for you; we need you to make a movie. You can have your choice of anyone you want. Shakespeare can write the script; Michelangelo can paint the set; Mozart can write the music.” Spielberg says, “What would be my compensation?”
St. Peter says, “You can meet anyone you want.” Spielberg says, “I want to meet Stanley Kubrick. I was such a big fan, I never got to meet him, and I made A.I. because of my admiration for his work.” St. Peter says, “Unfortunately, no one gets to meet Stanley Kubrick.” As he says that, in the distance, Stanley Kubrick rides past on a bicycle. Steven says, “Whadya mean? That’s Stanley right there! On the bike!” St. Peter says, “No, that’s God pretending to be Stanley Kubrick.”

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