Revista Opinión

La industria de la Nakba: Safed (reconocido por un autor “palestino”)

Publicado el 17 enero 2018 por Emethgolem @NombredeIsrael

La industria de la Nakba: Safed (reconocido por un autor “palestino”)

De vez en cuando, en la prensa arabe, reconocen de cara a su publico lo que ocultan al publico occidental.

Ahora un periodista “palestino”, que seguramente pierda su trabajo en breve, ha reconocido que los arabes (entonces no se sentian “palestinos”) que habitaban Safed huyeron por indicacion de los mandos militares arabes y que estos les prohibieron regresar.


E incluso que los judios no tomaron sus hogares esperando el regreso de esos arabes que huyeron sin intervencion judia.

“…los judíos de Safed se negaron a tomar la ciudad después de que los árabes huyeran por orden de la dirección de los ejércitos árabes , y se mantuvo Safed tres días vacíos pues los judíos rechazaban la entrada en las casas árabes porque estaban seguros de que los árabes regresarían  de Siria a recuperarlo , pero los ejércitos árabes no permitieron a la población a regresar …”

Esto tampoco deberia extrañarnos ya que el mismo Abbas, residente en Safed, lo ha reconocido previamente:

La industria de la nakba: Abbas reconoce que los arabes abandonaron Safed

” Abbas: “The [Arab] Liberation Army retreated from the city [Safed in 1948], causing the [Arab] people to begin emigrating. In Safed, just like Hebron, people were afraid that the Jews would take revenge for the [Arab] massacre [of Jews] in 1929. The 1929 massacre was most severe in Safed and Hebron”

“PA President Mahmoud Abbas: “During the last days, we began to feel the war approaching. The [prevailing] idea was that until the Arab armies arrived, the people would protect the land to the best of its ability, and the women and children would leave. To be honest, we were afraid. My family decided – I was the oldest of those who left with my brother’s wife and his two children – that they would move us. Where could we go? I remember [asking myself,] ‘Ok, how will I leave? What will I leave with?’ For example, I had two pairs of shoes, a new pair and an old pair. I said [to myself], ‘I’ll leave with the old pair, and leave the new pair for when we come back.’ Then, I remember looking at the city from outside, as if with a parting look.
I looked, and it truly was a look of sadness: Would I see this town again or would I never see it again? We left hoping we would return. They took us east, east of Safed, to the Jordan River. We wanted to cross the Jordan River alone, and head to Syria.””

Fuente: Maan News

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