-La suela de la sandalia debe ser un poco más grande que los pies.
-Con correa es mejor, porque la goma elástica se desgasta rápidamente.
-The sole should be thick, it protects from the uneven ground and absorbs the impact of walking steps.
-The sole of the sandal should be a little bigger than the feet.
-With belt is better because the rubber band is wearing quickly.
Foot Long: Better closed sandals that leave the feet exposed to 100%, selected models "peep toes" as it dwarfs the foot.Pies Largos: Es mejor las sandalias cerradas que no dejan los pies expuestos al 100%, selecciona los modelos "peep toes", ya que empequeñece el pie.

Feet Width: Select sandals cross straps; refined and stylized foot.

Widths And Short Feet: Choose Model "Flip Flop", cause the opposite effect.

Short legs and feet short: If you are short in stature. Bet on models "wedge" if it is better raffia.

Thick Ankles: Best for thick ankles are sandals that are laced with a loop or wide belts or above ankle, get styling the long foot.

Thin Ankles: The sandals are ideal horizontal strip clog the instep and a little further are attached below the ankle.