Revista Fashion Blogger

LOOK OF THE DAY : Winter wears peplum...

Publicado el 01 noviembre 2012 por Yonosoyunaitgirlcualquiera
Hola a todo el mundo!!
Al fín he conseguido tener tiempo para darle el lavado de cara que quería al blog y convertirlo en un reflejo de las tendencias, estilos, street style y looks personales y con los que me siento identificada.
Os dejo este primer post en el que he elegido un look formado por boyfriend jeans y un top peplum.
Hello everybody!I have finally had time to give facelift blog and wanted to make it a reflection of the trends, styles, street style and personal looks with which I identify.I leave this first post in which I've chosen a boyfriend jeans look composed and a peplum top

peplum street style, peplum zara, peplum looks, boyfriend jeans
peplum street style, peplum zara, peplum looks, boyfriend jeans
peplum street style, peplum zara, peplum looks, boyfriend jeans
peplum street style, peplum zara, peplum looks
Top: Zara, Boyfriend jeans: Zara, Shoes: Mango, Bag: Mango

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