2. Bad Piggies HD (Free)
4. Neuroshima Hex Lite (Free)
5. Words with Friends (Free)
6. Shadowgun: DeadZone (Free)
7. Heroes of Order And Chaos (Free)
8. Triple Town (Free)
9. Global Outbreak (Free)
10. Zenonia 5 (Free)
11. Six Guns (Free)
12. Tiny Tower (Free)
14. Ski Safari ($0.99)
15. Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour $0.99
16. Angry Birds Star Wars HD ($2.99)
17. Great Big War Game ($3.99)
18. Nes.emu ($4)
19. World of Goo ($4.99)
20. Shadowgun THD ($4.99)
21. Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP ($4.99)
22. Minecraft Pocket Edition ($6.99)
23. N.O.V.A. 3 ($6.99)
24. Mass Effect Infiltrator ($7.82)
25. Dead Space ($7.82)
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