Issue 31 - August 6, 2017 |
Swami has often said that the simple path of love and service, bereft of any expectations, can lead oneself to God. Spirituality can be summarised in two phrases, 'Sarva Karma Bhagawad Preethyartham' and 'Sarva Karma Phala Tyagam' - Doing everything for the love of God and Giving up the fruits of actions. Swami's message to Sai youth around the world this week: "My concept of spirituality is not shaving one's head, putting ochre robes and running into the depths of forest. For Me, spirituality means 'Hands in society, head in the forest'. The body, the mind, the senses should be constantly engaged in positive action, yet complete detachment from all expectations. Your purpose of life is not to worry about what others think, what others say, what others don't think, what others don't say, but your joy should be in continuously living a life with great Satvik qualities, pure qualities, selfless qualities in order to merge in your true self, Divine Self. And this is not possible unless you develop pure selfless qualities, which will not be governed by any kind of attachments, any kind of expectations!" Yours in His Service, Bhuvana Santhanam | Inspire FM Podcast from Singapore | During Swami's 91st birthday celebrations Sai youth got word that Swami wanted the group in Singapore to be part of the Sanatani Radio Initiative. As such, a group of volunteers came together to brainstorm on what could be done for the radio show. After a few meetings, a rough structure of the podcast was formulated. The show's proposed format was forwarded to Swami and He blessed it with the name "Inspire FM". The team had almost no experience in creating a podcast, but their sheer determination to make the dear Lord happy, pushed them out of their comfort zones to piece together the show. On the auspicious day of Guru Poornima this year, Swami launched the first episode of the podcast in Prema Amarutham. What is Inspire FM? | | Youth Empowerment Session "YES WE CAN"with Brother Sumeet Tappoo | What was initiated by dear brother Sumeet Tappoo, and blessed by dearest Bhagawan, turned out to be an experience of a lifetime! The 15 "chosen" Youth of the Sai Prema Foundation in Fiji were aforded absolute bliss at the first ever Youth retreat entitled "YES WE CAN" on Sunday, July 23, 2017 in Pacific Harbour. Conducted by dear mentor, Brother Sumeet, the session was perhaps a life changing "paradigm shift" for all the youth as Brother Sumeet, in great detail, explained about Swami's subtle form, His mission in Fiji, His expectations as well as everyone's role in His mission! The day started off by .... | | | | | | |