We couldn’t be at the last edition of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Madrid, but the truth is that we have followed it very close in fashion magazines and social networks. In general, we have liked many collections, (not another ones), which colours are, on the one hand, the sobriety of black, white and gray scale (that always are trend), and on the other hand, the mixture of colours, predominantly mustard, orange and turquoise blue. In materials, a lot of leather and hair, the elegance of the tweet and some tassels.

Nuestras colecciones preferidas: la b&w de Moisés Nieto, Miguel Palacio, Devota & Lomba, Hannibal Laguna, con vestidos de fiesta impresionantes, y Juanjo Oliva para Elogy, que seguro, estará en más de un ‘street style’. Our favorite collections: the b & w of Moises Nieto, Miguel Palacio, Devota & Lomba, Hannibal Laguna, with stunning party dresses, and Juanjo Oliva for Elogy.
¿Y vosotras? ¿Con cuál o cuáles os quedáis?
And you? Which collection/s do you prefer?
¡Y recordad que seguimos de sorteo! Participa AQUÍ
And remember that you can participate in our giveaway HERE
Imágenes: www.elle.es