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Hoy en Montessori Stories tengo como invitadas a Maribel, Natalia y Elisa, tres mamás que han decidido unir sus fuerzas y su entusiasmo para fundar El Acebuche: Montessori Reggio-inspired en Rivas (Madrid), un proyecto autogestionado y sin ánimo de lucro que ofrece un espacio pedagógico alternativo para niños de 0 a 6 años y en proceso de homologación para la etapa 6-12 años. En la entrevista nos cuentan cómo empezó todo y cómo va el proyecto actualmente.
¿Cómo conocisteis Montessori? Maribel: soy de profesión documentalista, y he trabajado varios años en un centro de documentación de educación y cultura. A través de las peticiones documentales de mis usuarios, empecé a ver que había otras metodologías alternativas a las tradicionales, entre ellas Montessori. Natalia: He tenido la suerte de vivir tres años en Brasil, y allí es habitual aplicar la metodología Montessori. Cuando comencé a buscar en Rio de Janeiro una guardería para mi hija, conocí esta pedagogía y me fascinó. Tuvimos la suerte de encontrar una escuela Montessori con más de 30 años de trayectoria, donde la forma de enseñar era muy respetuosa y eficaz, sin olvidar la parte creativa tan importante en los primeros años de vida. Elisa: Fue a raíz de mi maternidad cuando comencé a sentir curiosidad por otro tipo de pedagogías alternativas a la educación tradicional, a través de las redes y con afán de saber más, me fui empapando de esta metodología, que encaja a la perfección con el modo en que he decidido criar a mi hijo: a través de una educación respetuosa con los ritmos del bebé, el amor y la confianza en su autonomía y creatividad innatos.

Creemos que lo más importante es tener valor, decisión y sobre todo mucha ilusión. Hay que dejar el miedo a un lado y pensar que nuestro granito de arena para mejorar este planeta está en la educación, el regalo que van a recibir los niños que reciban una educación alternativa no es comparable con ninguna otra cosa.
Nosotras estamos siempre abiertas y disponibles para ayudar a otras personas a montar proyectos de este tipo, asesorarles y animarles a conseguir sus sueños.

Maribel: Soy mamá de una niña maravillosa, Julia, ella es la razón por la que he puesto todas mis energías en que "El Acebuche: Montessori Reggio-inspired" sea un espacio de calidad humana y pedagógica. En mi vida profesional soy documentalista por la UC3M y trabajo para la AGE desde hace 15 años en Presidencia del Gobierno.

Natalia: Lo primero de todo soy mamá de dos niños, Candela y Javier, que han supuesto una revolución en mi vida. Ellos han sido los motores para tener la fuerza necesaria para conseguir llevar a cabo el proyecto de El Acebuche, con el objetivo de que todos los niños/as tengan al alcance un espacio alternativo de calidad. Además soy Farmacéutica por la Universidad de Alcalá de Madrid, y actualmente trabajo como Ayudante de Investigación I+D en el CIEMAT.

Elisa: Soy la mamá de Carlos, un bebé de 11 meses que no deja de sorprenderme a diario por su gran curiosidad y capacidad para asumir sus retos de una manera confiada y autónoma, siempre con el apoyo de sus papás. Por eso no dudé en poner a su alcance, dentro de mis posibilidades, los mejores medios para acompañar y potenciar su desarrollo en todos los niveles. Yo soy psicóloga clínica y trabajo con menores en riesgo de exclusión social desde hace más de 10 años, incluyendo en mi metodología de trabajo nuevas corrientes y enfoques que ayudan a potenciar las capacidades de cada uno de ellos, superando sus vulnerabilidades.

¿Te ha gustado? ¿Compártelo!
How did you first get to know about Montessori? Maribel: I am a documentary professional, and I have worked for several years in a documentation and education center. Through the documentary requests of my users, I began to see that there were other alternative methodologies to the traditional ones, among them Montessori. I started investigating who was Maria Montessori and was enthralled reading her life trajectory. Then I began to read more about their method, how through loving and respect the maximum potential of children at all levels was achieved, not only in the cognitive but also in the emotional one that is neglected in traditional education; how children enjoyed learning and marking their own rhythms. Since I opened my eyes to this methodology, I was clear that when I had a child I take them at a Montessori school. Natalia: I have been fortunate to live three years in Brazil, where it is usual to apply the Montessori methodology. When I started looking for a daycare center in Rio de Janeiro for my daughter, I got to know this pedagogy and it fascinated me. We were fortunate to find a Montessori school with more than 30 years of experience, where the way of teaching was very respectful and efficient, not forgetting the creative part so important in the first years of life. Elisa: It was as a result of my motherhood that I started to be curious about other types of alternative pedagogies to traditional education, through the networks and with an eagerness to know more, I was drenched by this methodology, which fits perfectly with the way I have decided to raise my child: through an education respectful of baby rhythms, love and confidence in their innate autonomy and creativity.My guests today at Montessori Stories are Maribel, Natalia and Elisa, three moms who have decided to join their forces and enthusiasm to create El Acebuche: Montessori Reggio-inspired in Rivas (Madrid), a self-managed and non-profit-making project that offers an alternative learning space for children 0 to 6 and is awaiting certification for the 6-12 stage. In the interview they tell us how everything started and how the project is going.
The three of us live in a village called Rivas-Vaciamadrid, which is located in the southeast of the Community of Madrid. Unfortunately, all Montessori projects or other active pedagogies are located in the north of Madrid, which is the most affluent area. So we had two options, the first was to take our children away from home to a school of these characteristics, but submitting them to a two-hour car ride daily, with the danger involved and the environment of friendships would be far from your home. The second was to set up our own project, responding to our needs and that of many families, who like ours believe that another kind of education is possible. While it was not so costly that it became an elitist project, we started the project out of love for our children and children in general and it was always conceived as a non-profit. How do you help families learn more about the Montessori pedagogy? Several times a year we want to offer training courses for professionals and families interested in learning more about this method. Our guide, Andrea Estevan, is in charge of carrying out the training and we give the logistical support. We also have an external partner who is preparing a Montessori materials workshop for families, as they are often very expensive materials within the reach of a few. Have you encountered many obstacles to move forward with your project? How has it been received?How did you come up with the idea of creating "El Acebuche"?
Any advice or suggestion for those who have in mind the idea of creating an alternative educational project like yours but end up settling?We have encountered two main obstacles. The first of an economic type, since we had to invest all our savings. And the second is that although we were presenting the project since March and there have been many families who have come to our presentations, we did not have a space and finished the work until the end of August. This made many families not encouraged by the fear that they would not start the school year on time. In the end, we managed to open it in the date in which we had committed, and little by little new families have been adding to our project.
We believe that the most important thing is to have courage, decision and above all a lot of enthusiasm. We have to leave the fear aside and think that our grain of sand to improve this planet is though education, the gift that will receive children who get an alternative education is not comparable to anything else.
We are always open and available to help other people to set up such projects, advise them and encourage them to achieve their dreams.

Maribel: I am the mother of a wonderful girl, Julia, she is the reason I put all my energies in that "Aceess: Montessori Reggio-inspired" is a space of human and pedagogical quality. In my professional life I am a documentalist by the UC3M and I work for the AGE for 15 years in the Presidency of the Government.

Natalia: First of all I am a mother of two children, Candela and Javier, who have been a revolution in my life. They have been the motors to have the necessary strength to carry out the project of El Acebuche, with the aim that all the children have within reach an alternative space of quality. I am also a Pharmacist from the University of Alcalá in Madrid, and currently I work as Research Assistant R & D at CIEMAT.

Elisa: I am Carlos's mother, an 11-month-old baby who does not cease to amaze me every day because of his great curiosity and capacity to assume his challenges in a confident and autonomous way, always with the support of his parents. That is why I did not hesitate to put within its reach, within my possibilities, the best means to accompany and enhance its development at all levels. I am a clinical psychologist and I have worked with minors at risk of social exclusion for more than 10 years, including in my work methodology new currents and approaches that help to enhance the capacities of each of them, overcoming their vulnerabilities.

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