Revista Cultura y Ocio

Moonflower: reseña, entrevista + sorteo

Por Bdebabel @BabelT

Moonflower: reseña, entrevista + sorteo
Buenos días, arrebatadores :o) Os presenté MOONFLOWER, de Angela J. Townsend, en el blog de Literaria hace poco tiempo. He tenido la suerte de leerlo porque me apetecía mucho descubrir cómo la autora manejaba el tema de la restauración artística de un mural como barrera protectora contra demonios de otra dimensión. Con este título tan precioso que queda muy bien explicado en la novela, Moonflower (flor nocturna) trata de una joven huérfana cuya madre fue asesinada en Rusia por su padre cuando era muy pequeña. Natasha crece en un orfanato de Seattle hasta que una mujer de mala vida decide adoptarla para rehacer su camino y de paso cobrar el cheque mensual del estado por su manutención. Acosada por lo que ignora de su pasado, lo único que la mantiene cuerda es su amor por el arte. Hasta que uno de los novios de su madre adoptiva le muestra por primera vez lo que es el cariño y el respeto. Cuando la tragedia vuelve a visitarla, Natasha va en busca de sus raíces en Rusia. Allí descubre que el oscuro pasado de su niñez está íntimamente relacionado con su pasión por la pintura y con un mural que oculta la maldad más absoluta.Después de leerla, debo admitir dos cosas. Por un lado, me ha decepcionado que la parte paranormal que sucede en Rusia tarde tanto en hacer acto de presencia. Sin embargo, me ha gustado todo lo que he leído. Salvo que la gran conexión emocional que siente Natasha no se llega a producir con el chico guapetón, sino con el hombre mayor que la protege en la primera parte del libro. Ahí sí que hay una evolución, una preciosa relación no romántica que llega a calar. En cuanto a la trama, está bastante bien y creo que tiene potencial paranormal para continuar con una segunda parte (la cual imagino que existirá en algún momento futuro). Se puede decir que la novela está dividida en dos secciones. La primera es muy realista, cuando Natasha vive en Seattle, y es emotiva gracias a la relación que establece con el motero Chuck, y a la buena caracterización de estos dos personajes. La última sección cubre el viaje a Rusia, con todo el aspecto de leyendas regionales, demonios atrapados tras un mural que hay que restaurar y varias escenas de acción. Resulta raro el cambio de registro entre ambas partes, pero el estilo narrativo es bueno y la historia es muy atractiva.El cebo: el mural demoniaco que hay que restaurar para evitar el apocalipsisLo mejor: la relación padre-hija con el motero y la restauración del muralTemas: folklore ruso, lucha entre el bien y el mal, huérfana en busca de familia, arte mágico, romance prohibido*****
REVIEWA Moonflower is metaphorically someone who opens up and thrives at night. I never knew I had a name, but now I know. I'm a moonflower :o)First of all, I was really excited to read a story about a mural that protects humanity from evil pouring into our dimension. An artist who restores its power is the only way to prevent mayhem. Natasha is an orphan looking to unravel her identity and her place in the world. Thanks to Chuck, a gentle biker, she finds both. And by doing so, she discovers that horrors lurk behind a mural and time is running out for her to fight them.
I love the idea. I love the whole concept of art, Russian legends, an orphan and her quest for her roots, and monsters trying to conquer Earth through a painted portal. What I didn't like much is that the plot is slow to develop. The paranormal elements don't show up until the last part of the novel. And that's what I'd been hoping for so it was a bit of a disappointment for me. Anyway, the writing style is very good. There are some very beautiful moments and sentiments along the way. The main character is likeable and moving. I could feel the emotional turmoil she's going through as an orphan and a rejected human being. I really liked the bond that blooms between her and a man who cares for her as no one else has even been willing to do.The last part covers Natasha's journey to Russia to find out where she comes from and what actually happened to her parents. That's where her artistic talents prove to be the key to a very attractive paranormal plot. More secrets spill out, and a lot of action and some romance ensue. I believe this story has a lot of potential. I really hope to see it fully explored in future installments.
Top reasons to readmoving, relatable main characterbeautiful bond of two charactersexciting paranormal plot
art as a means of protection and magic
INTERVIEWWhat's the first thing that sparked the story behind Moonflower?I’m interested in the mystery of foreign cultures. I studied cultural anthropology and social justice in college. I also have a love for history and a good mystery that involves the supernatural.  I wondered what it would be like to be adopted and know nothing of your past and then to learn that you had this terrific yet dark heritage.¿Cuál fue la primera idea de la que surgió la novela? Me interesa el misterio de otras culturas. Estudié antropología cultural y justicia social en la universidad. Amo la historia y también un buen misterio que incluya lo sobrenatural. Me preguntaba cómo sería que me adoptaran y no saber nada de mi pasado para luego descubrir este legado impresionante pero oscuro.
To what kind of readers will it appeal? Horror fans, mystery fans, paranormal romance.¿A qué clase de lectores puede gustarle? A los fans del terror, el misterio y el romance paranormal.
Is love worth breaking any rules? Not always. But I am someone who loathes rules and structure so I think common sense comes into play. ¿Vale la pena romper las reglas por amor? No siempre, pero soy una persona que aborrece las normas y la estructura por lo que el sentido común tiene que prevalecer.
What's the importance of art and Russian folklore in the plot?My mother is a great artist. I grew up with the smell of oil paints and fresh canvas. I’ve always had a love for artwork. While researching art in Russia, I found that Russia has some of the most beautiful colors in their artwork and architecture (next to china) that I have ever seen. Blues, reds, greens and yellow so spectacular they seem almost unreal.   ¿Qué importancia tienen el arte y el folklore ruso en la trama? Mi madre era una gran artista. Crecí con el olor de la pintura al óleo y los lienzos nuevos. Siempre he sentido afinidad con el arte. Mientras me documentaba en arte ruso, descubrí que Rusia posee algunos de los colores más bellos en pintura y arquitectura, junto a China, que he visto jamás. Azules, rojos, verdes y amarillos tan espectaculares que no parecen reales.
Tell us about your research and the sources you used.I spent an entire year researching ancient Russian folklore and culture. It was a wonderful learning experience. I became fascinated with old churches and the mystery and lore behind them.    Háblanos acerca de cómo te documentaste. Me pasé un año entero documentándome sobre folklore y cultura de la antigua Rusia. Me fascinaban las viejas iglesias y el misterio y leyenda que las rodeaba.
Did you delete any scenes or ideas from the final draft? No I had mapped everything out very carefully using Martha Alderson’s plot system. Martha is a genius in the craft of outlining and pre-planning. I usually write by the seat of my pants but I needed to stay super organized for Moonflower.¿Eliminaste alguna escena o idea de la versión final del libro? No, había diseñado un cuidadoso esquema basado en el sistema de Martha Alderson. Martha es un genio en el arte de hacer borradores y planear por anticipado.
 What's the best experience you've ever had when dealing with fans? I’ve had so many outstanding experiences. I love it when children tell me they read books because they love my stories. I also love it when I hear from seniors citizens who say my books are exciting to read. ¿Cuál es la mejor experiencia que has tenido con fans? He tenido muchas experiencias fantásticas. Me encanta cuando los niños me dicen que leen libros porque adoran mis historias. O cuando los mayores dicen que es emocionante leer mis libros.
What are your writing goals for 2014? To finish all my sequels and scripts. ¿Cuáles son tus metas literarias para 2014? Terminar todas las continuaciones y los guiones.****Moonflower cover photo Moonflower.jpgTitle: MOONFLOWERAuthor:  Angela J. TownsendPublished:March 31st, 2014 by Clean Teen PublishingPage Count: 238Genre: YA Paranormal Romance Horror Content Warning: Graphic violenceRecommended Age:17+
Synopsis:Natasha remembers little from her Russian childhood, other than the lingering nightmares of her mother’s tragic death. So when someone close to her hands her a one-way ticket to Russia, along with the deed to her family farm, and then is brutally murdered, she has little confidence about what awaits her in that distant land.With doubt and uncertainty, Natasha has no choice but to leave her life in America for an unknown future. Once overseas, the terrifying facts as to why she was really summoned home come to light.Fact one: Monsters do exist. Fact two: The only thing keeping those monsters out of the world is an ancient mural hidden below her family’s farm. Fact three: The mural that keeps the evil out of the world is falling apart. The final fact: It’s up to Natasha to restore it and save the world from a horror unlike anything seen before.Luckily, Natasha isn’t alone in her mission. Three Russian Knights are tasked with protecting her from the demons as she restores the mural. And leading the Knights is the handsome and strong Anatoly, who seems to be everything Natasha could hope for in a man. Unfortunately, there is one huge problem. Her Knights are forbidden from having relationships with the artists they protect, and Anatoly is a hardcore rule follower. But rules cannot stop the way she feels.When a horrifying demon breaches the barrier and pulls Anatoly inside the mural, Natasha can’t help but charge, once again, into the unknown—this time to save the man she secretly loves. Now on the demons’ turf, she risks her own life to free the very one who is supposed to be protecting her. Little does she realize that if she should fail, it could mean the destruction of the very last barrier shielding mankind. Will Anatoly refuse Natasha’s help? Or will he finally realize, when love is at stake, the rules will be broken. 
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About the Author:Angela Townsend was born in the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Missoula, Montana. As a child, Angela grew up listening to stories told by her grandparents, ancient tales and legends of faraway places. Influenced by her Irish and Scottish heritage, Angela became an avid research historian, specializing in Celtic mythology. Her gift for storytelling finally led her to a full time career in historical research and writing. A writer in local community circulations, Angela is also a published genealogical and historical resource writer who has taught numerous research seminars. Currently, Angela divides her time between writing, playing Celtic music on her fiddle, and Irish dancing.Angela’s first novel, Amarok, was published through Spencer Hill Press in 2012. She later went on to sign with Clean Teen Publishing in 2013 and currently has two novels published through them: Angus MacBain and the Island of Sleeping Kings and River of Bones. Her third novel, Moonflower is scheduled for release in March 2014.Angela resides on a ranch, in rural Northwestern Montana, with her two children Levi and Grant.Amazon Author Page | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads | BlogMoonflower-CTP photo CleanTeenPublishingLogo.jpg  Clean Teen Publishing Links:WebsiteBlogFacebookTwitterSORTEO / GIVEAWAY TIMEGRAND PRIZE:Reader's choice of Clean Teen Publishing eBook, bookmark swag pack, and $15 Amazon Gift Card.Giveaway is International. a Rafflecopter giveaway
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