I believe music is one of the best methods to learn a language. I was very intrigued when I received this children's album: Chinese Children’s Classics v 1.0. The CD was created by Shanghai-born NYC mom, Toni Wang. She speaks Chinese, and her husband speaks French, so, they speak three languages at home.In 2011, Toni and her mother started a weekly Mandarin playgroup for a handful of preschoolers, including her daughter. They were surprised by the little non-Chinese-speaking friends, they started singing along to one of the songs after just a few sessions! That's when Toni decidedto make this Chinese children’s music.
This CD is great for people not familiar with Mandarin. You'll probably know some of the songs (for example, Frère Jacques), so, you feel encouraged to sing because you know the melody. I like the fact that you can find the lyrics of the songs in simplified Mandarin Chinese, in Pinyin and in the translated version in theirwebsite. A Little Mandarin is also on Twitter and Facebook. You can start singing right now, here you have the songs.

Este CD es genial para personas que no estén familiarizadas con el chino. Seguro que te suenan las canciones (por ejemplo, Frère Jacques), así que, al saber la melodía, te animas a cantar. Me gusta el detalle de poder encontrar las letras de las canciones en mandarín, pinyin e inglés en su sitio web. A Little Mandarin también está en Twitter y Facebook. Aquí tienes las canciones para ponerte a cantar ya.