Revista Fashion Blogger

music in my sweatshirt

Publicado el 20 diciembre 2013 por Barbaracrespo @crespobarbara

street style barbara crespo music in my sweatshirt headphones fashion blogger outfit Mens sana in corpore sano. Eso dicen! Así que yo con cierta regularidad voy al gim. Me encanta!!! Suelo hacer 20 minutillos de cardio (elíptica o step) y luego sala con las tablas que me ponen los monitores. Y para animarme mi música favorita en el ipod.

Y en The Corner tienen la sudadera ideal para que podamos escuchar música en cualquier parte porque lleva cascos incorporados; una chulada!!!
The Corner mola!!!!! “Mens sana in corpore sano” A good quote! So I try to go to the gym quite often. Love it!! I usually do 20 minutes of cardio (elliptical o step) and after that I do the exercises that the monitor tell me to do, and to do it with energy, I listen to my favourite music on my iPod.
In The Corner shop the have the best sweatshirt to listen to music anywhere, it has some headphones attached; it´s so fab!!
The Corner it´s cool!!!!!

street style barbara crespo music in my sweatshirt headphones fashion blogger outfit street style barbara crespo music in my sweatshirt headphones fashion blogger outfit street style barbara crespo music in my sweatshirt headphones fashion blogger outfit street style barbara crespo music in my sweatshirt headphones fashion blogger outfit street style barbara crespo music in my sweatshirt headphones fashion blogger outfit street style barbara crespo music in my sweatshirt headphones fashion blogger outfit street style barbara crespo music in my sweatshirt headphones fashion blogger outfit street style barbara crespo music in my sweatshirt headphones fashion blogger outfit street style barbara crespo music in my sweatshirt headphones fashion blogger outfit Headphones sweater (by The Corner) here Everlife París tshirt (here) Studded sneakers (by The Corner) C&A cap Beautyque Nail Bar manicure Photos: Sergio Espinosa

music in my sweatshirt music in my sweatshirt

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