Ayer pase la noche en la Pacha Lounge de Bilbao viendo los Ibiza Model Awards. Como aun no tengo todo el material necesario, no os voy a hablar del evento. A poder ser, lo hare mañana o pasado. Hoy os mostrare alguna foto de la noche de ayer y algun comentario.
Ayer tras un dia duro de examen, comenzo una noche genial.
Yesterday I spent the night in Bilbao Lounge Pacha watching the Ibiza Model Awards. As I do not have all the necessary materials, I’m not going to talk about the event today. I hope to be, I will be able to tomorrow or the next day. Today I will show you some photos of last night and a little comment.
Yesterday after a hard day with exams, started a great night.
Quede con mi amiga Alba, que es quien me acompaño al evento organizado por Zig Zag Comunity.
Comenzamos la noche con una cena en el chino. Entre pan chino, ternera con setas chinas y bambu, arroz 3 delicias y pollo agridulce, acabamos llenisimas.
I met with my friend Alba, which is who went with me to event today organized by Zig Zag Comunity.
We started the night with a dinner at a Chinese. Among Chinese bread, beef with Chinese mushrooms and bamboo, rice and sour chicken 3 delight, we ended up really full.

Luego tocaba prepararse. Los vestidos de noche, maquillajes con negros ahumados y unos tacones altos.
Then it was time to get ready. Evening gowns, makeup with smoky black eyes and high heels.

Mi amiga:
My Friend:


Siempre digo que yo estoy a favor de los complementos originales. Me parece que da un toque de gracia al conjunto y un estilo personal.
En la fiesta pude observar que poca gente era se salia de lo clasico con un toque original. Los elementos originales o mareas originales de llevar algo que me gustaron fueron:
I always say that I am in favor of original accessories. I think that it gives a touch of grace to the outfit and a personal style.
At the party I noticed that very few people went out of the classical with an original twist. The original elements or ways of wearing something originally that I liked were:

Yo decidi llevar a la fiesta estos originales pendientes de Claire’s. Se trata de unos mini anillos de compromiso.
I decided to wear to the party these original earrings from Claire’s. They are mini engagement rings.

Siento escribir tan poco, pero hoy estoy enferma y lo unico que quiero es dormir y ponerme buena. Asi que sintiendolo mucho… me despido con unas fotos de ayer en el reservado de Pacha Lounge Bilbao. En el proximo post os hablare con detalle del evento.
Sorry to write so little, but today I’m sick and all I want is sleep and get well. So I’m sorry … I say goodbye with some pictures of yesterday in Bilbao Lounge Pacha reserved. In the next post I will speak in detail of the event.
