Ya os contamos nuestras primeras 6 citas navideñas y durante las últimas semanas las hemos completado con otras 6, para hacer un total de 12 citas navideñas, nuestra nueva tradición, que queremos repetir el año que viene. Ha sido divertidísimo y una forma de hacer especial la época anterior a Navidad.
We have already told you about our first 6 dates of Christmas and along these weeks, we have been performing other 6, to make 12 dates of Christmas, which is our new tradition we would like to repeat next year. We have had a lot of fun making the days before Christmas special.
7ª Pasear viendo las luces.
7th Having a walk watching the Christmas lights.
8ª Tomar chocolate con churros.
8th Have a hot chocolate and churros.
9ª Comprar turrones.
9th Buy turrón (nougat candy) together.
10ª Foto Navideña.
10th Christmas picture.
11ª Empaquetar regalos navideños.
11th Wrapping up Christmas presents
Imágenes/Images: A Kiss of Colour
12ª Desayuno navideño casero.
12th Homemade Christmas breakfast.