Revista En Femenino

Oferta de empleo Género: Contrato de consultoría para evaluación externa de la Alianza MenEngage respecto a su estrategia con VIH

Publicado el 18 mayo 2011 por Joaquimmontaner

Oferta de empleo Género: Contrato de consultoría para evaluación externa de la Alianza MenEngage respecto a su estrategia con VIHToda la info en

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Buena mano!!

Call For Consultant to Carry out an Evaluation of the Global MenEngage Alliance for the Period 2008-2011

Type of work: 


Closing Date: 

 Wed, 25/05/2011

Organisation’s Name: 

 MenEngage Alliance

Terms of Reference for a Consultancy to Carry out an

Evaluation of the Global MenEngage Alliance for the Period 2008-2011

Proposed Date of Consultancy: 1-31May 2011


MenEngage is a global alliance of more than 400 non-governmental organisations and UN partners that seeks to engage men and boys in reducing gender inequalities and promoting the health and well-being of women, men, and children.  MenEngage partners work collectively and individually toward the fulfilment of the Millennium Development Goals, particularly those components that focus on achieving gender equality.

Through country-level and regional networks, MenEngage seeks to provide a collective voice on the need to engage men and boys in gender equality, to build and improve the field of practice around engaging men in gender justice, and advocating before policymakers at the local, national, regional and international levels.   Since becoming a formal network in 2006, regional and country-level MenEngage networks have formed in South Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe and sub-Saharan Africa.   MenEngage partners carry out joint training activities, joint advocacy and joint research activities.   In April 2009, the MenEngage Alliance organized the Global Symposium on Engaging Men and Boys in Gender Equality that led to the Rio Call to Action (see for the full text of the declaration).  Through global and local advocacy, MenEngage partners work with women’s rights organizations and with other social justice partners to seek to achieve lasting, effective and true gender justice.

MenEngage is coordinated globally by a Steering Committee and International Advisory Committee, including Sonke Gender Justice (co-chair), Promundo (co-chair),  International Center for Research on Women, CARE International, International Planned Parenthood Federation, White Ribbon Campaign (Canada), Save the Children-Sweden, Family Violence Prevention Fund (US), the Athena Network, Men’s Resources International (US), Sahoyog (India), Salud y Genero (Mexico), Men for Gender Equality-Sweden, World Health Organization, UNDP, UNFPA, UNIFEM, and Partners for Prevention (Thailand).   As such, MenEngage is led by a consortium of national NGOs from the Global South (Sonke, Sahayog, Promundo, Salud y Genero) in collaboration with numerous international NGOs and UN partners.   At the regional level, more than 400 NGOs have some together to support and participate in the Global South networks in Asia, Latin America and Africa.

MenEngage is governed by a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed in 2006 that stipulates its operating procedures, including the formation of its Steering Committee.  The Steering Committee has designated Sonke Gender Justice and Promundo as current co-chairs of MenEngage.  As co-chairs, Sonke and Promundo are authorized to request and administer funds on behalf of the Alliance.   SIDA provided MenEngage with a three-year start up grant (2007-2010) of US$400,000 that allowed MenEngage to hire part-time regional coordinators, support meetings costs, pay for initial website development, provide limited staff time for global coordination and seek additional funds for its activities.

Key MenEngage activities in the past three years include:

  • Formed regional networkswith defined regional secretariats in South Asia, Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa and Europe, with discussions ongoing in North America and Southeast Asia.

  • Held regional consultationswith key NGOs working in gender equality in all of these regions.  These consultations defined work plans for each specific region.
  • Organized the Global Symposium on Engaging Men and Boys in Gender Equality in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in March 2009. The Symposium brought together more than 450 delegates – members of NGOs, researchers, policymakers, UN officials, young people and women and men from more than 70 countries to exchange ideas and experiences and to forge collective actions for engaging men and boys in achieving gender equality and social justice.  The delegates came together in eight plenaries, twelve simultaneous breakout sessions, seven training workshops and four regional planning meetings.
  • Organized the Africa Regional MenEngage Symposium in October 2009 in Johannesburg, South Africa, which brought together more than 300 delegates from across Africa in a five-day event, to advance and call attention to the need to engage men and to enhance the ability of civil society and the public sector to engage men and boys in gender equality.
  • Carried out joint training activities to build the skills of local NGOs in workshops in South Asia, Southeast Asia, 6 countries in Africa, and 7 countries in Latin America.
  • Developed a forthcoming “toolkit” on engaging men and boys in health promotion (HIV prevention, SRH, MCH and fatherhood) together with UNFPA and WHO, which will be published I nearly 2010 in English, Spanish and French and compiles good practices from a number of key MenEngage members.
  • Developed a working paper on men, masculinities and sexual exploitation (supported by the Oak Foundation) and launched at the 3rd Global Congress on Combating Child Sexual Sexual Exploitation in Brazil in November 2008.
  • Organized a seminar with the World Bank on Engaging Men in Ending GBV in Post-Conflict Settings in Sub-Saharan Africa in June 2009 in Washington, DC, which brought together more than 80 key partners from bilateral aid agencies, local NGOs, INGOs, researchers and the UN to discuss strategies for engaging men in ending and mitigating GBV in African countries affected by conflict.

Objectives of the Evaluation

The consultant will carry out an evaluation to review the progress of MenEngage toward the objectives set out in its proposal to SIDA in 2008, namely:

“MenEngage seeks to create a more gender equitable society in which men/boys and women/girls share the same opportunities for realizing their human rights and potential to contribute and benefit from all spheres of society.  To realize this goal, MenEngage works to achieve the following three objectives:

  1. To increase the commitment of international organizations, national governments and civil society to encourage boys and men to play an active role in promoting gender equality and preventing HIV and violence.
  2. To enhance leadership and technical skills of existing and new projects in engaging boys and men in gender equality and preventing HIV and violence.
  3. To sustain an ongoing knowledge excellence management system that shares information, resources, tools, and best practices on work with boys and men.”

To these objectives, the consultant will review the MenEngage Strategic Plan developed in September 2009 that more clearly focused the activities of MenEngage.   These documents will be shared with the consultant and be part of the review process.  The consultant will also use the logical framework developed for the 2008 grant agreement as a benchmark against which to assess progress.  The evaluation will not simply list activities, but will assess to what extent those activities contributed to these overall goals and to the concrete goal of achieving gender equality.

In addition, given that one of the main objectives to emerge from the 2009 Strategic Plan was to strengthen and support (and form when they did not exist) regional and national MenEngage networks, the consultant will give considerable attention to the current functioning and status of these networks.  The consultant will also review the MenEngage MOU and the role and functioning of the Global Steering Committee, the co-chairs and the recently formed Executive Committee and make assessments and recommendations for improving this management structure.

Specific issues and questions the consultant should consider are:

  • Quantify to the extent possible the degree to which MenEngage achieved its intended results.
  • Assess if interventions used were sufficient to reach the desired outcomes.
  • Identify where the barriers were in achieving objectives.
  • Assess what were the major factors influencing the achievements or non-achievements of objectives?.
  • Were activities cost effective?
  • Were objectives achieved on time?
  • To what extent has the elements of capacity development process helped the partners?
  • What real difference has the activity made to the beneficiaries (considering those to be national and local level NGO members of MenEngage and the populations they work with)?
  • How many organization and individuals were affected?

Proposed Activities for the Consultant

MenEngage seeks an external evaluation of the past three years (2008 through the beginning of 2011).   This evaluation should consist of e-mail and phone interviews with external and internal stakeholders.   Specifically, it should include:

  1. Phone interviews, a survey monkey or written interviews with atleast 25-30[1] key stakeholders “external” to MenEngage or at least that are not part of the Global Steering Committee, Advisory Committee or Regional Steering Committees.  These might include:

- International donors who supported the 2009 Global Symposium, including the MacArthur Foundation, Ford Foundation, Nike Foundation and others;

- NGOs working in women’s rights and gender equality who have not participated directly in MenEngage activities.  These might include CEDOVIP (Uganda); the International Women’s Health Coalition; DAWN; AWID; Sexual Violence Research Initiative; RedLac; Center for Global Women’s Leadership (Rutgers); IDS/Sussex; Jagori (India); and others.

  1. Phone interviews, a survey monkey or written interviews with at least 25-30key stakeholders “internal” to MenEngage.   These might include:
  2. National level MenEngage member organizations from a geographically diverse range of those
  3. Some subset of the MenEngage SC, Advisory Committee, and regional leadership of MenEngage
  1. A review of relevant MenEngage documents

Terms and Timeline

The final product of the consultancy would be a 25-30 page document (single spaced, 12 pt type with relevant tables) presenting conclusions from the interviews that include recommendations for future action and improvements for MenEngage at the global, regional and national level.

The consultancy should be carried out during the month of May 2011 with a draft report to MenEngage by June 10, 2011 and a final report with suggested revisions by June 30, 2011.   Promundo will pay the consultant US$8000 (eight thousand) for the final product, with up to $800 available for administrative expenses.   No travel costs will be covered under this contract although such costs would be covered if the consultant is asked to participate in any meeting outside her/his city of residence.  The consultant will report to Gary Barker, Instituto Promundo, and Dean Peacock, Sonke Gender Justice Network.

The consultant should have relevant experience in the field of gender with an international scope and have carried out evaluations of similar processes.   Candidates should send a CV to Karina Ngaiza at

[1] Some of these will be actual interviews, while others will be via a survey instrument.

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