Más imágenes de nuestra cuenta en Pinterest a la que invitamos visitar asiduamente:
perfectly-timed-photos-enpundit-7 - http://enpundit.com/2012/25-perfectly-timed-photos
Ashulia, Dhaka, Bangladesh - Lone tree standing strong amid the flooded landscape. This tree somehow had managed to survive the brickfields in the backgound (partially submerged too) which are viewed as another root cause of massive deforestation in the last few decades - Stop Deforestation - Ecology – Environment - por Protik Hossain - http://500px.com/protik
by RICHARD BRAM - http://pepperidges.tumblr.com/post/17375864783/firsttimeuser-millennium-wheel-london-1999-by
Fan Ho, Approaching Shadow - http://www.artspace.com/welcome/hardpin?medium=HardPin&source=Pinterest&campaign=type168
Women and snow by Walter Zardini - http://thebeldam.tumblr.com/page/3
A polar bear clings to a block of ice (by Carla Lombardo Ehrlich for WWF) - http://www.pedroneves.com/
Soul Searching ~ Photo by...Michael Oswald - http://for-redheads.tumblr.com/post/26892851423/danceabletragedy-soul-searching-by-michaelo
Sunken Dory ~ Photo by...? - http://wishflowers.tumblr.com/post/35205371105
Mother and baby ~ Photo by...? - http://magic-bazaar.tumblr.com/post/35014591539
World press photo of the year 2012 - Samuel Aranda (New York Times): http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/gallery/2012/nov/07/world-press-photo-exhibition-2012-pictures
Eclipse de sol en Chile: http://wscdn.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/assets/images/2012/11/14/121114095648_eclipse_ugc2.jpg
Christian Weiss » Fotografos :: Las mejores fotos, cachondeo, curiosidades, humor fresco, todo en Ziza.eS - http://ziza.es/2012/07/11/Christian_Weiss.html
Uzbekistan -por bsmethers - http://www.flickr.com/photos/81077504@N03/7430129994/in/photostream/lightbox/