Hello!!! How are you??? Happy Thursday!! Another break on event outfits, to show you a more casual look that I wore last Saturday to go to Pontevedra for our 2nd showroom. I was sure I wanted to wear something comfy, casual and fresh with a different touch, as I was going to be standing on my feet for the whole day, chatting (though I love speaking and I don't stop it's quite tiring) and non stop organizing everything. So, obviously the choice was clear: jeans, basic t-shirt and sandals and a piece that I love, my first kimono, kia…And here are the details and cost of the outfit- Kimono (Aluèt - here): €39.95 New!!- T-shirt: €2.99 New!!- Jeans (Zara): €29.95 More here & here- Sandals: Zara New!!Total cost: €72.89I hope you like the outfit, and as usual tons of kisses and thank you so much for reading Fashion Low Cost every day