Hello!!! How are you???? Yesterday the sun came out!!! and the temperatures went up too!! I can't believe it!!! it was hot, very hot!! and to celebrate it I chose this lovely top, these jeans and these pumps, very comfy by the way for a more formal look as we had a meeting to sort out some thing for the showroom this coming Sunday in Coruña.
I am soooo nervious...I can't sleep properly lately...
And here are the details and the cost of the look
- Tunic (Aluèt - here): €32.50 New!!
- Jeans (Suiteblanco): €13.95 . Old. Otros outfits here , here & here
- Pumps (Lefties): €15,99 . Old. Otros outfits diferentes here , here, here , here & here
Total cost: €62.44
Tons of kisses and thank you so much for reading Fashion Low Cost everyday!!
Translated by Elena Loves This