Revista Fashion Blogger

PEOPLE! Zara returns !!!!!

Publicado el 15 abril 2013 por Yonosoyunaitgirlcualquiera
Pese a que otras marcas como Mango se han sumado a la iniciativa de Zara de poder subir los outfits creados con sus prendas, yo me sigo quedando con People!.
While other brands like Mango have joined the initiative to raise power Zara outfits created with their clothes, I'm still staying with People!.

Si quereís participar, teneís las bases en este link PEOPLE ZARA!
Zara PEOPLE street style
Zara PEOPLE street style
Zara PEOPLE street style
Zara PEOPLE street style
Zara PEOPLE street style   
Because I'm not just an IT GIRL. And you?

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