Good morning, beauties!!.How is being your weekend?.Today I´m going to talk you about a great company with a wide variety of products, all of them to take care of our health and beauty, Pierre Fabre.Do you know them?.I´ve been testing during long time some of them, with a very nice results, because each article is dedicated to a problem or concrete situation.If you want to know more, follow reading....

En la caja que he recibido se pueden encontrar productos de lo más interesantes, como son la crema Cleanance Expert de Avéne dedicada a solucionar el problema de los granitos y puntos negros, la Ictyane de Ducray para pieles secas (protege especialmente del estrés climático), la Argane de Galénic para manos y uñas, el champú estimulante anticaída Forticea de Rene Furterer Paris, el aceite de ducha y baño Exomega de A-Derma, el agua desmaquillante micelar para rostro y ojos Pur de Galénic y otro maravilloso descubrimiento, el champú seco a la leche de avena de Klorane.¿Habéis probado alguno de ellos?.
In the box that I´ve received you can find very interesting products, like the cream Cleanance Expert from Avéne dedicated to solve the problem of the grains and blackheads, Ictyane from Ducray to dry skins (protects specially of the climatic stress), Argane from Galénic for hands and nails, the stimulating shampoo Forticea from Rene Furterer Paris, the bath and shower oil Exomega from A-Derma, the cleansing micellar water to face and eyes Pur from Galénic and another wonderful discovery, the dry shampoo to oatmeal milk from Klorane.Have you been testing some of them?.

Un beso a tod@s, feliz semana!!
Kisses to all of you, nice week!!
P.D: Recordad que aún podéis participar en el sorteo del bonito vestido de Atypikal aquí