Revista Fashion Blogger

Pink moment

Publicado el 05 agosto 2013 por Gema Carballeira @Mydreamsofseams

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Ya hacía que no ponía estos zapatitos precioso y me decidí a combinarlos con una falda negra que ya conocéis pero era un look demasiado negro de no ser por este top que alegra cuaquier tipo de outfit.

Already toward that did not allow these precious shoes and i decided to combine them with a black skirt that already know but it was a look too black, had it not been for this top that pleased any kind of outfit.

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Llevo/I wear:
Falda/Skirt: Pull&Bear(old)
Top: Akira Moda
Bolso/Bag: Bershka(old)
Zapatos/Shoes: La Botica Complementos
Gafas/Sunglasses: Óptica Mais q Ollos
Pulseras/Bracelets: Lowlita&you, Aloumiño

Tagged: akira moda, aloumiño, óptica mais q ollos, pull&bear
Pink moment
Pink moment
Pink moment

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