Don Camilo en aeroplanose va para Nueva York.Su señora lo despidecon grandes muestras de amor.(..)El patrimonio le bulleentre el bazo y el riñón:es una cosa muy raraque no tiene explicación.
¡Viva España y la Coruña,y los pimientos de Padrón!¡Que viva el Celta de Vigoy don Jorge Guasintón!(Continuará)
Del libro: Poetas del FútbolDr. Carlos Fernández del
According to Camilo José Cela: ¨ several hundreds of thousands of Spaniards, perhaps millions of thousands, apply their energies from Mondays. Tuesdays and Wednesdays to gloss the throws of the football game that already passed and their arrests from Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays to predict the events from the football game that is coming soon. Sundays they rest and go to football to suffer or to relax, honestly, seeing others suffer "The famous Camilo José Cela, besides of ¨Eleven football stories" ¨ and diverse articles of football. Among the poems, we rescued the joke of the poet in:
Don Camilo in airplaneis going to New YorkHis wife said goodbyewith great signs of love.
The patrimony bustles himbetween the spleen and the kidneyit is something very rare that does not have explanation.
¡Hurrah Spain and la Coruña,and the peppers of Padrón! ! Hurrah the Celta de Vigoand Mr. Jorge Guasintón! (To be continued)
From the book: Football PoetsDr. Carlos Fernández del