Revista Espiritualidad

Preguntas y respuestas: 1 de abril de 2017

Por El Despertar Sai @ELDESPERTARSAI
En un satsang que tuvo lugar en la presencia divina en Dubai, el 1 de abril de 2017, un devoto solicita orientación sobre la realización de Seva.
Y esto es lo que dijo Swami:
Pregunta : Swami, por favor, nos dan directrices sobre actividades de servicio, teniendo en cuenta ciertas cuestiones geográficas. Estamos haciendo seva, pero por favor, damos un poco de orientación más específica sobre cómo llevar a cabo Seva.
Swami : Seva es como su propio aliento - hay que hacerlo de forma continua. Donde quiera que esté, en su propia pequeña manera, usted debe continuar haciendo seva. Se puede comportando muy bien a la gente, escuchar sus preocupaciones y el dolor o darles una o dos palabras de amor y un buen consejo - que también es Seva. En casa, cuidar de sus propias cosas; no esperar que otros lo hagan - que también es Seva. Luego, alrededor de ti, en tu barrio, lo que identifican como sea necesario, hacer que a medida Seva. Si usted vive muy lejos de aquí, de vez en cuando, convergen juntos para hacer seva como grupo, pero, como individuo, también debe seguir haciéndolo a su manera, sobre una base diaria. Si no lo hace, entonces usted debe pensar en ese día como el desperdicio. 'Este día ha sido una pérdida de tiempo y energía. No hay nada que he logrado hoy.' Así es como se debe pensar.
De una forma u otra, que deben participar en el servicio. Si usted es un cantante, cantar y hacer que a medida Seva. Si alguien es un contador, a continuación, las cuentas son su seva. Cualquiera que sea el trabajo que está haciendo, encontrar una razón para servir. Si usted quiere hacer algo, absolutamente nada puede detenerte.
Swami : Es muy caliente Dubai?
Devoto : Todavía no, Swami.
Swami : ¿De dónde viene el agua potable viene?
Devoto : Desalinización, Swami. Convertimos el agua de mar en agua potable.
Swami : ¿Qué hacer? Se quita la sal y tomar el agua?
Devoto : Los recursos naturales también están ahí.
Swami : El agua de mar está disponible en abundancia. Se quita la sal y hacerla potable.
Devoto : Sí, Swami.
Swami : Eso es lo que tiene que ver con uno mismo, también. (Risas) eliminar lo que no es deseado y tomar lo que se quiere. Desalinización: eso es lo que hace seva. Elimina las impurezas o lo que es no deseado y se queda sólo con lo que se quiere.
Si alguien que conoce desea recibir algunos extractos maravillosos, tomadas en curso de las sesiones de preguntas y respuestas con Swami en la forma sutil de todas partes del mundo, por favor, regístrese aquí:

PREGUNTAS Y RESPUESTAS: 1 DE ABRIL DE 2017 Sign up to receive Q&A from satsanghs Sairam, We send out daily an excerpt from the satsang Q&A (please see below for an example). If you wish to receive these daily emails, please give your email address below. --+ Sairam, In one of the satsangs held in the divine presence at Torino, Italy, on 16 April, 2015. A devotee asked what must one do to become more pure and strengthen the inner connection with God. And here is what Swami said: QUESTION: Bhagawan, what can we do to have more purity inside and strengthen our connection with God? SWAMI: Don't ask Me for this or that. Ask Me for Myself, "I want Swami. I want Swami's love." Whatever happens, wherever, whenever, have only this prayer. Once you know the destination, you will know how to go. Therefore, fill your mind with namasmarana, engage in acts of service, selfless love. With selfless love, you will always remain pure. Pray only for Me and nothing else.

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Si usted o alguien que usted conoce estaría interesado en recibir artículos / videos / actualizaciones de proyectos de servicio inspiradoras acerca de Swami en forma sutil, por favor registrarse aquí:

Mdh Satsang This group is for the devotees of Swami in the subtle form. Inspirational articles about Swami, updates about Swami's service projects and other related information are posted to this group. If you or anyone you know would like to be part of this google group and receive these emails, please give the email address below. Sairam.

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Si usted o alguien que conoce estar interesado en asistir a los satsangs en diferentes ciudades de los EE.UU., por favor marque este enlace:

Divine Will Foundation | Home Divine Will Foundation. Official USA site for information about the subtle or light body form of Sathya Sai Baba, world spiritual teacher.


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Enviado: domingo, 6 de agosto de 2017 12:59 a. m.
Para: [email protected]
Asunto: Whatever work you are doing, find a reason to serve Sairam,
In a satsang held in the divine presence at Dubai, on 1 April, 2017, a devotee seeks guidance on undertaking seva.
And here is what Swami said:
Question: Swami, please give us guidelines on seva activities, considering certain geographical issues. We are doing seva, but please give a little more specific guidance on how to undertake seva.
Swami: Seva is like your own breath – you must do it continuously. Wherever you are, in your own little way, you must continue doing seva. It can be behaving nicely to people, listening to their worries and pain or giving them a word or two of love and good advice – that is also seva. At home, look after your own things; do not expect others to do so – that is also seva. Then around you, in your neighborhood, whatever you identify as needed, do that as seva. If you live far away from here, once in a while, converge together to do seva as a group but, as an individual, you must also continue to do it in your own way, on a daily basis. If you do not, then you should think of that day as being wasted. 'This day has been a sheer waste of time and energy. There is nothing that I have achieved today.' That is how you must think.
Some way or another, you must engage in service. If you are a singer, sing and do that as seva. If somebody is an accountant, then accounts are their seva. Whatever work you are doing, find a reason to serve. If you want to do something, absolutely nothing can stop you.
Swami: Is Dubai very hot?
Devotee: Not yet, Swami.
Swami: Where does the drinking water come from?
Devotee: Desalination, Swami. We convert the seawater into drinking water.
Swami: What do you do? You remove the salt and take the water?
Devotee: Natural resources are also there.
Swami: Seawater is available in plenty. You remove the salt and make it drinkable.
Devotee: Yes, Swami.
Swami: That is what you have to do with yourself, too. (Laughter) Remove what is unwanted and take what is wanted. Desalination: that is what seva does. It removes the impurities or what is unwanted and keeps only what is wanted. --
If someone you know would like to receive some wonderful, ongoing excerpts taken from the Q & A sessions with Swami in the subtle form from all over the world, please sign up here:

Sign up to receive Q&A from satsanghs Sairam, We send out daily an excerpt from the satsang Q&A (please see below for an example). If you wish to receive these daily emails, please give your email address below. --+ Sairam, In one of the satsangs held in the divine presence at Torino, Italy, on 16 April, 2015. A devotee asked what must one do to become more pure and strengthen the inner connection with God. And here is what Swami said: QUESTION: Bhagawan, what can we do to have more purity inside and strengthen our connection with God? SWAMI: Don't ask Me for this or that. Ask Me for Myself, "I want Swami. I want Swami's love." Whatever happens, wherever, whenever, have only this prayer. Once you know the destination, you will know how to go. Therefore, fill your mind with namasmarana, engage in acts of service, selfless love. With selfless love, you will always remain pure. Pray only for Me and nothing else.

If you or someone you know would be interested to receive inspirational articles/videos/service project updates about Swami in the subtle form, please signup here:
If you or someone you know would be interested to attend the satsangs in different cities in the USA, please check this link:

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