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Primer mercadillo 2nd Funniest Thing / First 2nd Funniest Thing market

Por 2ndfunniestthing @2ndfunniest
Qué tal todo familia?
How is everything family?
Sigo viva! Llevo unas semanas sepultada bajo capas de lija, agujas, serrín y pinceles, cocinando nuevos inventos y sembrando tutoriales para empezar el curso con fuerza y poder estrenarme como tendera en el mercadillo que monta el equipo de Demanoenmano este Domingo en el CCCB de Barcelona.
I'm still alive! I've been buried under layers of sand, needles, sawdust and brushes during last weeks. I've been cocking new inventions and sowing tutorials to start next course with strenght and also to be able to have my premiere as "street vendor" next Sunday in Demanoenmano market at CCCB in Barcelona.
Primer mercadillo 2nd Funniest Thing / First 2nd Funniest Thing market
Mañana volveré con un anticipo de las novedades
Besos a todos!!
I'll be back tomorrow with an advance of new arrivals
Kisses to all!!

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